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Second referendum time? SF Poll

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Should we have a 2nd referendum now we know the deal?  

190 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we have a 2nd referendum now we know the deal?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I wont be voting anyway Im sick of it all

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23 minutes ago, woodview said:

What happened to Osbornes predictions that would happen immediately following a leave vote then??? They were lies and have been clearly demonstrated to be. To deny something that was said and actually did not happen is pointless.

What were his predictions?  I mean exactly not what you heard down the pub.


Currently the exchange rate is in the toilet, the FTSE is down and economic growth has been revised down.

but employment is strong and some economic growth is better than none so it's not world ending.

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2 minutes ago, Magilla said:

They were wrong on timescale, whether they'll be realised over a longer term... quite possibly.


The immediate impact, clearly. Whether they'll be in the long term, not so clear.


I'm not denying anything, as before, remain predictions may still prove correct in the long term.


Oh well, at least they weren't rooted in xenophobia and racism ;)


To deny something that *was* said and really *did* happen, now that really is pointless :loopy:

At least we can agree, both sides lied. I also agree neither side was rooted in racism.

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5 minutes ago, woodview said:

At least we can agree, both sides lied.

One side exagerated, the other side lied and played the racism card to their full ability.




I also agree neither side was rooted in racism.

The leave campaigns based a significant proportion of their campaigns on xenophobia and racism.


As above, to deny something that *was* said and really *did* happen, now that really is pointless :loopy:


This has already been covered, in detail. You were wrong then, you're wrong now.


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1 minute ago, geared said:

What were his predictions?  I mean exactly not what you heard down the pub.


Currently the exchange rate is in the toilet, the FTSE is down and economic growth has been revised down.

but employment is strong and some economic growth is better than none so it's not world ending.

BBC News 23 May 2016:


"Publishing Treasury analysis, he said a Leave vote would cause an "immediate and profound" economic shock, with growth between 3% and 6% lower" .

I'll ignore the stereotypical Remain forummer superior dig. Especially as the comments were clearly well publicised at the time. You can search for the other claims if you care to.

2 minutes ago, Magilla said:

One side exagerated, the other side lied and played the racism card to their full ability.


The leave campaigns based a significant proportion of their campaigns on xenophonbia and racism.


As above, to deny something that *was* said and really *did* happen, now that really is pointless :loopy:


CBA getting involved in your 'go to' argument. You might be wise to consider the 'shut up you racist' type arguments alienate lots of people from mainstream politics. You are simply doing your part to push people to extreme parties who really do have evil intentions. Most people are sick of your type of comments and want to engage in sensible discussions about issues that affect them.

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9 hours ago, apelike said:

I think if there is another referendum then those leave supporters would certainly make sure they voted leave again. Not sure why you seem to think otherwise. 

Because although we see the shouty, outraged face of Brexit, many leave voters were just ordinary citizens who simply voted in line with their generally conservative world view. Many will look at the resulting mess and simply not bother voting in another referendum.


The point I was making was that even if every 2016 leave voter voted again it would still not be enough to win the vote. In over two and a half years I have not heard of one single person who has changed from remain to leave yet there has been a steady stream of leave voters moving to remain.


The maths just don't add up for leave.

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10 minutes ago, geared said:

Most people want this whole sordid mess over with, there's a good number of people who now don't even care what happens, they just want the matter put to bed and they're sick of hearing people argue about it.

These people must be somehow insulated from the economy then.

Perhaps retired, with no children or grandchildren that will suffer.  Or maybe so rich that they can profit whichever way it goes.


Anyone not in either of those categories should be desperate for us to stay.

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55 minutes ago, woodview said:

CBA getting involved in your 'go to' argument.

It's not a "go to" argument, it's demonstrably the truth. The leave campaigns did use xenophobic propaganda.


Your idea that "they both lied", masks the truth and implies some form of parity, when there is none.


Given your notions re: the "Canada" deal.... you CBA educating yourself about that either so I'm not overly concerned! :hihi:



You might be wise to consider the 'shut up you racist' type arguments alienate lots of people from mainstream politics.

I merely compared the two sides of the campaigns. Accurately IMV.


I haven't told anyone to "shut up".. you made that up as you tend to do... again! :?



You are simply doing your part to push people to extreme parties who really do have evil intentions.

.. or.. maybe.. I'm just pointing out how far some people are prepared to stretch credibility to avoid acknowledging it really did happen :suspect:



Most people are sick of your type of comments and want to engage in sensible discussions about issues that affect them.

There's an echo in here..... your version of "sensible" seems to be to constantly repeating yourself.


Edited by Magilla
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