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Second referendum time? SF Poll

Message added by Vaati

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Should we have a 2nd referendum now we know the deal?  

190 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we have a 2nd referendum now we know the deal?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I wont be voting anyway Im sick of it all

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3 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Why shouldn't the question be asked twice?


Current polling shows Remain 55%, May's deal 30%, No deal 10%.


Why on earth would you have another referendum which only gave a choice between the two least popular choices?


He fundamentally doesn't compute that it isn't undemocratic to actually ASK the people to vote.  You know, that is how democracy works. 

1 minute ago, apelike said:

I think you will find the with the UK MEP elections it was done by PR and not AV.

And you would know that AV was based on a preferential voting system, which is what can be easily applied in a 3 option ballot.  Geez, you never went to uni did you?  If you did, it definitely wasn't a Russell Group one.

Edited by ez8004
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17 minutes ago, ez8004 said:

It didn't ban it for all types of elections.

Strange I dont recall saying that it did.

11 minutes ago, ez8004 said:

He fundamentally doesn't compute that it isn't undemocratic to actually ASK the people to vote.  You know, that is how democracy works. 

Oh I do and I have never stated otherwise and if that is what pariament want then so-be-it, . But.. the people should never be allowed to force parliaments hand in any matter as doing so actually makes a mockery of why we have elected representatives in parliament in the first place, and parliament I think is wise enough to know this. I think Macron is now having problems because the democratic people of France are trying to do just that and force his hand! BTW will you vote?

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45 minutes ago, ez8004 said:

And you would know that AV was based on a preferential voting system, which is what can be easily applied in a 3 option ballot.  

That still does not alter the fact that you were wrong (again) and that the UK MEP's were elected by a PR system does it! AV is a form of PR but differs considerably and is not PR in its normal sense, and yes AV could be used in a 3 option ballot, and what I said was: "I very much doubt that would happen."


Perhaps you could now take the time to answer the questions put to you in post: 502

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46 minutes ago, apelike said:

I very much doubt that would happen as the voters have already said no to that type of transferable vote system (AV) in a past referendum.

I agree.

Everyone in Europe must be gobsmacked at this level of incompetence and national self-harm.


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6 hours ago, apelike said:

Strange I dont recall saying that it did.

Oh I do and I have never stated otherwise and if that is what pariament want then so-be-it, . But.. the people should never be allowed to force parliaments hand in any matter as doing so actually makes a mockery of why we have elected representatives in parliament in the first place, and parliament I think is wise enough to know this. I think Macron is now having problems because the democratic people of France are trying to do just that and force his hand! BTW will you vote?

Parliament constantly dances to the tune of the people and the media.  Fundamentally they want to be reelected (that's the biggest problem with any democracy IMO).  So they take a short term, populist view of the majority of issues and do whatever they think will win them the most approval in the short term.

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1 hour ago, Cyclone said:

Parliament constantly dances to the tune of the people and the media.  Fundamentally they want to be reelected (that's the biggest problem with any democracy IMO).  So they take a short term, populist view of the majority of issues and do whatever they think will win them the most approval in the short term.

Very true and should have been noted by Theresa May.

As a remainer at heart she shifted her position in the face of the referendum result.However over the last 2 years she has become entrenched in her position and failed to react to the shifting mood of the population.

This has already cost her the option of remaining as PM for the next election,and probably sooner.

Her latest personalised attack on Tony Blair,fails to recognise that he is only one voice of many who see a second referendum as the only way to break the current deadlock,because the only majority on Brexit is that a No Deal exit is to be avoided.

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16 hours ago, BrexitGuy said:

I don't hide in a closet behind proofs and links to crap regarding this subject as it's a valid point of view that remainers choose to disembowel for whatever blinkered reason or link they like to squeal.

You don't hide behind any "proofs" because ones that support your view don't exist :?


16 hours ago, BrexitGuy said:

Immigration is squeezing this country to breaking point and the only way to eradicate this is to get out of the very constitutional dictatorship that is causing it.

Now that really is "Project Hysteria"! :hihi:


By far the *vast* majority of migration to the UK does not come from the EU.


16 hours ago, BrexitGuy said:

You carry on throwing your cheap jibes but it's very obvious you haven't got a clue behind the reasoning of leaving the EU.

I still haven't heard any reason for leaving the EU that actually stands up to even the most basic scrutiny.... your notions don't either since they're not actually true.


16 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

I will have a pint of what you are drinking, it must be 100% proof if you believe what you have posted.

LOL, of course, since every claim I've made is verifiably true..... I'm not sure you can handle it ;)

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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

You don't hide behind any "proofs" because ones that support your view don't exist :?


Now that really is "Project Hysteria"! :hihi:


By far the *vast* majority of migration to the UK does not come from the EU.


I still haven't heard any reason for leaving the EU that actually stands up to even the most basic scrutiny.... your notions don't either since they're not actually true.


LOL, of course, since every claim I've made is verifiably true..... I'm not sure you can handle it ;)

Surprisingly, the majority of our visitors come through the East side of the country, usually in a dinghy or in the back of a truck. You've seen the chaos at Calais, which the camps were set up as holding areas. These people managed to get across several EU countries with the target being the UK. 

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4 hours ago, Cyclone said:

Parliament constantly dances to the tune of the people and the media.  Fundamentally they want to be reelected (that's the biggest problem with any democracy IMO).  So they take a short term, populist view of the majority of issues and do whatever they think will win them the most approval in the short term.

Aren't you confusing parliament, the legislative body, with the MP's that sit in it? The MP's that vote either do so by the whip (basically forced under penalty) or chose to ignore it, have a free vote, or they are maybe independents who vote how they please. As you say its MP's that want to be reelected so may vote with a populist view and in their own interests just to get reelected.

Edited by apelike
missed a bit out
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