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A new way of dealing with scooter thieves.

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I support the police using those tactics. However, I question the logic in making their tactic public knowledge.  I fear it won't be long before one of the scooter muggers tries to sue the police for being knocked off their bikes. The country is that daft and the taxpayer might end up funding big compensation claims.

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2 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

I support the police using those tactics. However, I question the logic in making their tactic public knowledge.  I fear it won't be long before one of the scooter muggers tries to sue the police for being knocked off their bikes. The country is that daft and the taxpayer might end up funding big compensation claims.

Very much this, there will no doubt be some cretinous hug a hoodie legal expert waiting in the wings to make some money out of this.

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