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A new influx of boat people from france.

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6 minutes ago, lottiecass said:

No,of course it's nothing of the kind, regardless of how you see it your boat people are here illegally and are not real refugees. Why do think they would sneak in when they could arrive cheaper on a plane then claim asylum ? 

We supposedly have a system for vetting those seeking asylum irrespective of how they arrive here (and far more arrive in other ways than undertaking a perilous channel crossing ).

From the comments of Javid he has decided to pre judge the issues ,once again to appease the far right ,and to whip up the general public.

Sadly he will have some success.


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2 hours ago, L00b said:

I don't think I've ever seen such a display of openly xenophobic dogwhistles in a single thread that stayed open so long on Sheffield Forum.


Sign of the times. Politicians must be absolutely loving how this is new normal is working out for them.

True. Yet those posters castigating the people who risked life & limb coming here on a dinghy would no doubt be doffing their cap to Jacob Rees-Mogg. It's the peasant mentality I'm sad to say.

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7 hours ago, lottiecass said:

No,of course it's nothing of the kind, regardless of how you see it your boat people are here illegally and are not real refugees. Why do think they would sneak in when they could arrive cheaper on a plane then claim asylum ? 

That's just the thing, you see: I see it that it's up to an immigration system (up to an immigration Judge if need be) and due diligence, to determine whether the "boat people" are real refugees or not. Not up to personal prejudice, like you or Longcol's ex-neighbours.


Giz a shout when the UK starts to take its fair share of EU-landed refugees, instead of ducking behind its moat. In the meantime, as a G7 economy with 12% of the EU28 population but only 4% of EU-landed refugees (and one of the least-generous asylum supporting systems), that holier-than-thou attitude is quite a look.


The whole world outside the UK knows that the UK doesn't like Johnny Foreigner by now. There's really no need to keep adding extra layers on, that's just wasted marketing dollars.

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11 hours ago, Robin-H said:

Out of interest what do you think is the reason why they are risking drowning and apparently paying quite a lot of money when they are already in one of the safest and richest countries in the world? Clearly there is a reason, as they are taking that risk, but I can't see what the pull factor from France is? 

Quite a few reasons already given.  Perhaps they speak English and not French, perhaps they have friends or family already in the UK or for some reason believe that it's a welcoming destination.

11 hours ago, Pyrotequila said:

But those countries won't give them free houses and money like the UK would.

How can anyone still believe this nonsense. 

Have you ever bothered to investigate the level of support someone claiming refugee status will get?  Or perhaps you imagine that illegal economic migrants who aren't claiming asylum can somehow get free housing and money?

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3 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

Quite a few reasons already given.  Perhaps they speak English and not French, perhaps they have friends or family already in the UK or for some reason believe that it's a welcoming destination.

Then there's a standard procedure of claiming an asylum with respect to family reunion, etc. Why don't they follow it?

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Are you expecting me to read their minds for you?


Having a quick look at the rules there are quite a few possible reasons though, for example;

They've already fled their home, they aren't in a position to gather evidence, fill in forms and wait months, perhaps they don't even have the means to contact the UK based relative.

The relative (or relatives) in the UK have been settled here for some time and are British citizens.

The relatives are not immediate family (according to the rules you had to live with your family), aunties, uncles, grand parents, none of these count if you didn't live with them as a family.

They are unaware of the family reunion rules, not themselves being British.

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13 hours ago, Cyclone said:

You think that people risk drowning in the English channel in order to come and steal a shelf stacking job from you in your local supermarket?

You've said this a few times.  Do you have figures showing that's where they end up working?

Or is it more a case of this?

Illegal immigrants 'have very little chance of being caught' due to Government cuts, union boss claims



Illegal immigrants in Britain can “survive very well” and have very little chance of being caught, a border workers' union boss has claimed.

Lucy Moreton, general secretary of the Immigration Service Union, said there were hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants working on the black market that cannot be tracked owing to a lack of resources and workforce cuts.


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57 minutes ago, Branyy said:

Among all those listed reasons I don't see a single one that should be taken as an excuse for breaking the law.

Changing the goal posts of what you asked me.

1 minute ago, alchresearch said:

You've said this a few times.  Do you have figures showing that's where they end up working?

Or is it more a case of this?

Illegal immigrants 'have very little chance of being caught' due to Government cuts, union boss claims



It's an example of low paid, unskilled work.

I don't imagine that many neurologists are attempting to cross the channel in a dingy for example.

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