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Increase in knife crime.

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18 minutes ago, Penistone999 said:

Weak ,soft sentences arnt working. If you are caught carrying a knife it should carry a minimum 20 year sentence. If you stab someone , minimum 30 year sentence ,and if you kill someone with a knife , a whole life tariff . Until our weak , spineless   politicians and Judges get tough nothing will change . 


And i dont give a monkey`s about  the liberal , human rights muppets who would say those sentences are too severe. 

 Haven't you any sympathy? They're just misguided children brainwashed by XBOX and gangster rap. 😐

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4 hours ago, Olive said:

They're both terrible, and they both matter, but one is more unusual and deemed to be more shocking (therefore more newsworthy).


I think people have different reactions to different circumstances, rightly or wrongly.


"Gang member in stabbing incident" isn't really very surprising, whereas "Innocent schoolgirl stabbed by gang member" is quite frightening, it says that something terrible could happen to anyone, whereas the other headline suggests that being a gang member is a dangerous occupation.  Not that I'm claiming to know the circumstances, just using this as an illustration.



What you're doing there is demonstrating the assumptions that people make about victims of different race and class, i.e. if it's a black boy from Peckham or a white working class boy from an estate then it's assumed by many that they 'must be' involved in gangs or drugs, whereas if they are middle class then it 'must be' unprovoked. This just adds to the sense of exclusion that many young people have.

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That knife is for killing someone. Get stabbed with that and you are dead.

What on earth is going on in his head that drives him to carry such a weapon? To me, there seems to be a degree of premeditation at work. " I'm carrying this knife and I'll kill someone with it"

The kid is a danger to the public; he's not just got a pocket knife-he's got a killing


The boy needs to be psychiatrically profiled and treated accordingly. He definitely needs to be got off the streets.

Edited by petemcewan
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12 hours ago, Bob Arctor said:

What you're doing there is demonstrating the assumptions that people make about victims of different race and class, i.e. if it's a black boy from Peckham or a white working class boy from an estate then it's assumed by many that they 'must be' involved in gangs or drugs, whereas if they are middle class then it 'must be' unprovoked. This just adds to the sense of exclusion that many young people have.

No, what I was very careful to do was to say that I didn't know what the circumstances were and that any loss of life is tragic. 


My point is that IF it's a victim (girl, boy, black, white, young, old) is entirely unconnected to their attacker, IF it's a completely random attack, it's a different and more unlikely set of circumstances to someone who is involved with gangs and violence already.  That's why it makes a bigger splash in the news.


It's the same when a pensioner gets battered - more shocking than if someone in their 20s, out on the lash, gets into a punch up.


Think of the case of Rys Jones, the schoolboy who got shot in Liverpool a few years ago.  Why was that such cause so much shock?  Because he was just a hapless kid, riding his bike in the wrong place at the wrong time.


When crime trends start impacting on people who are outside of the circles that are normally involved then people start to get more worried.


It's in our psychology.  We think "If I follow the rules, keep out of trouble, it won't effect me".  But when people who follow the rules fall victim, then it all starts to fall down.

Edited by Olive
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2 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

What will the knife tsar do (if appointed) to rid of us the scourge of knife crime. Any one have any idea.



Stop and randomly search anybody, and I mean anybody at anytime, a proper crackdown, zero tolerance, anybody found with an offensive weapon and I don"t mean TFHs swiss army knife, machete, cleavers, flick knives, etc. lock em up.

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1 hour ago, Olive said:

Think of the case of Rys Jones, the schoolboy who got shot in Liverpool a few years ago.  Why was that such cause so much shock?  Because he was just a hapless kid, riding his bike in the wrong place at the wrong time.


There's at least a couple of shootings a week in Liverpool - including a gangland style killing of someone who was picking up his daughter from a dance class.




Its only a matter of time before this happens again.

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17 hours ago, Penistone999 said:

Weak ,soft sentences arnt working. If you are caught carrying a knife it should carry a minimum 20 year sentence. If you stab someone , minimum 30 year sentence ,and if you kill someone with a knife , a whole life tariff . Until our weak , spineless   politicians and Judges get tough nothing will change . 


And i dont give a monkey`s about  the liberal , human rights muppets who would say those sentences are too severe. 

i'm a liberal, human rights muppet.


i don't care about severe sentences - i'm perfectly happy with the principle of keeping dangerous idiots locked up.


i do care that it doesn't work very well.  the crime has already happened, and then we're stuck with the spectre of re-offending upon release. And-or the enormous expense of keeping people locked up to prevent re-offending.


severe sentences aren't a deterrent.


Glasgow seems to have dealt well with their knife crime problem, and they've done it by following a process. We could do worse than just roll it out nationally.


it's not exciting, no bad guys need to get shot, there's definitely no exploding helicopter gunships, it wouldn't make a good film. But if i'm allowed to summarise massively, youth clubs and police officers are cheaper and more successful than prisons.

Edited by ads36
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11 hours ago, Padders said:

Stop and randomly search anybody, and I mean anybody at anytime, a proper crackdown, zero tolerance, anybody found with an offensive weapon and I don"t mean TFHs swiss army knife, machete, cleavers, flick knives, etc. lock em up.

The coppers can do that without appointing a "knife tsar" who will probably be on 100k a year. I just think it's a knee jerk reaction to the problem.



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