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France is in chaos .

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2 hours ago, Michael_W said:

who do you think would potentially cause the most problems for you and the Guardianista to be disgusted, the right wing working class Leavers

If today's poor turnout in London is anything to go by, right wing working class leavers will simply serve as comedy value to most normal people and a source of easy overtime for the Met.


The problem with the far right in the UK is that when they reach a critical mass they all start falling out over money and positions of influence. 


Brexit will be no different. Its demise will be greeted by a huge sigh of relief by most people and will once again revert to being an obsession of a few cranks, xenophobes and racists.


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16 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

If today's poor turnout in London is anything to go by, right wing working class leavers will simply serve as comedy value to most normal people and a source of easy overtime for the Met.


The problem with the far right in the UK is that when they reach a critical mass they all start falling out over money and positions of influence. 


Brexit will be no different. Its demise will be greeted by a huge sigh of relief by most people and will once again revert to being an obsession of a few cranks, xenophobes and racists.


You need to get out more fella, the obsession is exclusively from people like you, your postings on here are a dead give away, do you think everyone right of the oaf that is Corbyn is an extremist ?

The far right as you call them has a lot of sympathisers who I would label as normal people, people who would not consider for one moment of going on a march with UKIP, Tommy Robinson or anyone else because they just get on with their everyday lives ….. do you struggle to understand that concept from behind your keyboard ?

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11 minutes ago, Michael_W said:

The far right as you call them has a lot of sympathisers who I would label as normal people, 

You would, but I doubt many would agree with you. 


The far right have never gained much traction in the UK and if you think that Brexit is the magic issue which will see its fortunes improve you are going to be disappointed. If on the eve of the demise of Brexit, that bunch of clowns was the best the right could manage to get out, it doesn't look good for them.


I believe that some of the Wee Tommy Robinson fanboy marches attracted more support! :D

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20 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:


Brexit will be no different. Its demise will be greeted by a huge sigh of relief by most people and will once again revert to being an obsession of a few cranks, xenophobes and racists.


Brexit was voted for by a majority of people, not just the types you like to constantly highlight.

The far right will gain from comments like yours. Normal people have been excluded from mainstream politics, and are sick of being ignored or insulted. Scummy organisations will exploit that. Brexit wasn't just a vote on that issue, it was an expression of peoples' disillusionment with the sorry state of our parties.

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3 minutes ago, woodview said:

The far right will gain from comments like yours. Normal people have been excluded from mainstream politics


Apart from 16-18 year olds, how on earth are normal people being excluded from mainstream politics?


The far right will gain very little from this whichever way it goes. Politically it has never resonated  with the British people and organisationally, even when handed something on a plate they end up fighting with each other and end up dropping the ball. Look at the damage Wee Tommy Robinson's involvement with UKIP has already done when they should be at the crest of a wave with no Brexit now looking the most likely outcome. Where is the Brexit Betrayal fightback outside of Rees-Mogg and his little band of Tory MPs


Feeling disillusioned will not be helped by leaving the EU which will not only hit many leave voters first economically, but will  make them feel even more disillusioned that they have been cheated. Given a choice between feeling cheated and being reasonably well off and feeling cheated and facing financial hardship, possible food shortages and the NHS unable to supply many drugs most people would prefer the former.

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I think the question is, how do we get politicians to listen to the ordinary, 'little' people?


To say 'we live in a democracy' is not the answer - as being required to stick a cross in a box once every 5 years and then being totally ignored the rest of the time, is not democracy, it's an excuse for democracy. . . in other words a con, and people are beginning to wake up and realise it.


The working class have had to fight every step of the way to gain ground, it's the only way they have seen real, beneficial change. But now it's being eroded by a class of neoliberals who are quietly dismantling rights and safeguards which were so hard won, and the gap between the richest and the poorest widens. The French are fighting back and letting their displeasure be shown in no uncertain terms, and Macron has moved. Wages , taxes down.


We on the other hand are grumblers and the writers of very stiff letters to the Guardian. Consequently  we have some of the worst social reforms in Europe, as the elite trample all over us.     

Edited by Anna B
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