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Whitsun tide parade

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I can remember the Easter Parades that we ended up in High Hazel's park for. Highlight of my year then they were too, in fact they were right up to me being about 17:hihi:

Only remember finishing up in Carbrook after the Whit Walks though. Can't remember what it was called ,but lots of green park area where the rec used to be.

Oh give over....wonder where the "boy friends" are now.......:love:

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I remember the one's at Meersbrooke park,we would march down from the Heeley church up to Heeley Bottom & I think the pub on the corner was the white lion,if you know different correct me as it was over 40 yrs ago.

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I used to be in the cubs & scouts in Darnall on Mandeville st, we used to lead the parades through Darnall and then into HH Park - I used to play the side drum and bugle (not very well) but they were great fun, with all the church goers behind and then that led onto the Darnall Medical Aid parade with the decorated lorries all following, they had hell of a job getting down the hill from the start point and then eventually into the park - they screwed up in the park when they put all those concrete barriers up; Great times

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i remember going on the whitsuntide march from Mount Tabor church on the Parson Cross and going all round the streets can't remember where we finished but I was a train bearer for the sunday school queen (ah happy days)

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your'e dreaming keanaz . darnall baptist 258 scout band lead the parade all the way from the sportsman on darnall rd to the skating rink in high hazels park . mandeville st joined in at the meadow. i was in the cubs and scouts for 12 years and we always lead it . the mandeville mob looked like a set of street urchins with a few battered old bugles . whereas us the 258th darnall baptist band were clean smart and in tune.

what school did you go to i went to whitby rd

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No one mentioned the Whit Parades in Western Park yet?


memories of being a Cub Scout - lining up behind the lorry (was there a girl on there who was the 'Whit Princess' or something or am I dreaming?)out side St Annes, Netherhorpe, then marching through the streets eventually arriving in Western Park outside the Museum/Art Gallery where to a young eyes there seemed to be thousansd of people - always boiling hot and very very boring, but if you wanted to stay in our Cub Pack this was compulsory

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