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Whitsun tide parade

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  • 14 years later...

I remember the Whitsuntide parades in Meersbrook Park in the mid 1950s. The banners & the thump, thump, thump of the big bass drum stand out in my memory. I don't remember getting any new clothes though. There is a scene in the film A Taste of Honey (1961} showing a  real Whit parade through the streets of Manchester watched by hundreds of people. Life must have been pretty boring then to want to watch that sort of thing.


Just realised how old this thread is.

Edited by sovrappeso
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Don't forget Endcliffe Park, Norfolk Park  and Meersbrook Park Whit Sings.  I will attempt to put a copy of a 1966 hymn sheet on here....it was issued to all the churches taking part all over the city....hence they were "all singing from the same sheet". I don't think you can say that about Sheffield any more !


Nope, it seems I can only insert a JURL. I haven't a clue as to how to turn a .jpg in to a URL.

Pretty useless Forum in that respect. 

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1 hour ago, sovrappeso said:

I remember the Whitsuntide parades in Meersbrook Park in the mid 1950s. The banners & the thump, thump, thump of the big bass drum stand out in my memory. I don't remember getting any new clothes though. There is a scene in the film A Taste of Honey (1961} showing a  real Whit parade through the streets of Manchester watched by hundreds of people. Life must have been pretty boring then to want to watch that sort of thing.


Just realised how old this thread is.

Its ok revisiting old threads sovrappeso.

Happy Daze Whitsuntide and your first pair of long trousers :banana: & a pair of real shoes instead of the plastic sandals from Woolworths you'd been wearing to School 🙃.

Modern equivalent would be 'buy your 2 year old his first PS5 day' (whatever one of them is :hihi:). 


Don't know about boring.

Parents couldn't afford to do it nowadays, have you seen the price of trainers?

Couple of hundred pounds a pair, you'd only need four kids and you'd be laying out what you'd have paid for a terrace house back then.


Nice to see Rita Tushingham still going 'Last night in Soho' - Ridley Rd etc, etc

Come along way since 'A taste of Honey' & 'The Nack and how to get it'.


See the source image


Ariel Arrow with Ape's and saddle bags - that is just so wrong :loopy: .


Keep safe 8) .


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