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The fountain outside the midland station

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hmmm not sure how accurate this is, but i found https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrJQ6DvQxJcbFMAHCVLBQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTByZTJwYXBkBGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwM5BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1544729711/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.welcometosheffield.co.uk%2fcontent%2ffiles%2f1281%2f/RK=2/RS=2TvRodJBIH3FKv23mo0ikv2eP.I-

which says the steel in The Cutting Edge sculpture is 'Sheffield Steel'... no definition of what 'Sheffield' steel is, mind you,

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1 hour ago, GOLDEN OLDIE said:

Does anyone know where the steel was imported from for the fountain outside the Midland Station? Am I right in thinking it is not Sheffield steel?

The steel was supplied by Outokumpu in Sheffield but the company that made it in to the sculpture were Jordans in Bristol.



1 hour ago, hotrock said:

there was a big thing at the time when everyone found out it was sourced  and manufactored outside of sheffield, 

Not true.



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I think they could have made more parking spaces where the fountain is.  The odd time I used the short wait pick up zone it was always full, but I suppose any one coming to Sheffield for the first time by train

 the fountain does look impressive.

pleased the steel didn’t come from China.

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12 hours ago, hauxwell said:

I think they could have made more parking spaces where the fountain is.  The odd time I used the short wait pick up zone it was always full, but I suppose any one coming to Sheffield for the first time by train

 the fountain does look impressive.

pleased the steel didn’t come from China.



Are you using the free short stay in the  car park (30mins) or the drop off zone?

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