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Objects found on mars

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Right so all the data goes through NASA. 


So if they were trying to cover it up it would be quite easy for them. 


So how has it ended up on YouTube, given that NASA is a government agency and any information deemed sensitive would be covered by whatever the US version of the official secrets act. 


So far all I can see to judge your post is a conspiracy nut theory. 


There will be a number of man-made objects on Mars anyway. Several craft have crashed on the planet either by breaking up in the atmosphere or impacting the surface. 

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14 hours ago, lien1 said:

Been spending time on YouTube looking at photos sent back from Mars, I always keep an open mind on things that get posted ,but to be honest a lot of objects seen cannot be natural rock 

not sure why the USA ars trying to cover these things up what your thoughts on this 


You've got precisely zero evidence that they are - unless you count the ramblings of conspiracy freaks on the Interwebs as evidence

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13 hours ago, melthebell said:

like this one lol


I see stones.



13 hours ago, lien1 said:

Yes I have ,heard of pareidolia  but without getting heavy,like I say just go on you tube

type in mars anomalies, I just find the items too good just to be rocks , and why would nasa try to cover some items up by using filter lens mars maybe sandy rocks but not that red 


Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon in which the mind responds to a stimulus, usually an image or a sound, by perceiving a familiar pattern where none exists.


Just to save posters looking to what pareidolia means.



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14 hours ago, Delayed said:

Nothing to worry about. The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one..


14 hours ago, nikki-red said:

But still they come... :) 

This thread reminded it is ages since I listened to the album, must check if it is on my memory stick in the car and listen to it again.

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Rocks, these are rocks.


Still, it is interesting to look at the pictures. To me it looks like you can see evidence of maybe historical volcanic and weathering activities? As someone else commented, some of it looks like higger tor which is amazing when you think about it. Like looking at Earth in the way distant future?!

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