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Martial arts for advanced students?

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Hi SimplySi

Maybe youre right if its muay thai in its purist form then yes wicker is a very good place. But to be honest wicker is the club for those who like to do Muay Thai as opposed to kickboxing or mixed martial arts ,etc.

(Am i right Stusonnicos and co?)


If it is a place with an open minded outlook towards martial arts training , AFK has many people with a variety of backgrounds. Individuality is respected at AFK and someone with say a Taekwondo or a Boxing or even a Muay Thai background are encouraged to keep their original style but to just simply add to it , or adjust certain aspects as opposed to reformulating your style completey.


Again horses for courses (or is it the other way round?)

Just my views thats all.

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Hi Spyro, if you are looking for some thing different call down to

Sheffield Martial Arts Centre,

I cover all the ranges in fighting from stand up to the ground, also some weapon work mainly stick and knife.

i'm in the states at the moment training but classes are running if you want anymore info get in contact and i will help you out.

all the best


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I guess it depends what you want doesn't it, just cause you want to train in MMA doesn't mean you have to train soley at a MMA gym, surely the point of MMA is taking what you can (what works) from differing styles, and to be honest I doubt there's a gym anywhere in sheffield that can truely offer the best tuition availbe in several aspects of MA.

Surely the best option for anyone wanting to practice MMA is to decide what they want to learn/train in and seek out the best gyms/clubs in their area teaching or offering those skills.

I can;t comment on other clubs in Sheffield/South Yorkshire under of styles/disciplines although know I'm right when I say you cannot get taught better Muay Thai than you would at Sheffield Muay Thai Gym Wicker Camp.


Chef Kicker, you right in what you say, if we wanted to to encourage the practice of other MA within our gym we'd be called sheffield world of MA or something, but we're not because we don't, we teach only Muay Thai. That said we aren't and never have been a dictatorship that demands our students don't train in any other MA, why should we or how could we enforce this.

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