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Can i wear my religious wear as uniform at work?

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During the last census, I listed my religion as a Jedi Knight.

Would I be allowed to wear the Jedi robe as works uniform?

Uniform is just the elite forcing the masses to wear what they are told, office workers are viewed as a different class and are allowed much more flexibility.

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2 hours ago, andyofborg said:

many people at our place are star trek fans so would be quite appreciative of his choice of apparel


the rest of us would ridicule the small size of his force 



Some people just want to watch the world burn.

You will be having a Sith visit for that mistake. :)

Edited by Stranza
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Statistics revealed the total figure in a press release entitled "390,000 Jedi there are",

I was just following a small crowd, I guess.

In June 2005, Jamie Reed, newly elected Labour Member of Parliament for Copeland in Cumbria, declared himself to be the first Jedi Member of Parliament during his maiden speech.

Similarly, in April 2006, Edward Leigh, the Conservative Member of Parliament for Gainsborough, asked whether he would be allowed to set up a Jedi knights faith school during a Committee debate on the Education and Inspections Bill.

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