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Will an nhs dentist replace a crooked crown?

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Hi. I've a pretty old crown on my top tooth; it's about 20 years old and it's kinda worn out. Over time, a gap has formed and it looks a bit wonky.


After seeing the dentist, he said it doesn't need replacing because it's not causing any major issues. I appreciate what he's said but I'm not happy when I smile. You can see that the crown isn't a good fit after all those years.


Was he wrong in what he said?



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TyneSoft - from your description the crown seems to be in need of remedial work or replacement. Doesn’t sound as if it is cosmetic. It isn’t causing problems now but could do in the future. My last filling was done for this very reason. It just seems to be one dentist’s opinion. Maybe have a second opinion?

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Had a new crown fitted a couple of years ago to replace a broken one. NHS charge then, including lead up treatment was £222+ for a single tooth.


Don't know if you could get it any cheaper at Charles Clifford Dental Unit by having a dental student carrying it out?

Edited by Baron99
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Possibly worth checking if any more crowns are required or justified. I had a crown replaced on the NHS about 5 years ago, cost me 180 quid, but I had a new crown put in at no extra cost, because the cost was for 'crown treatment' - no limit on the number of crowns included in that, apparently.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all.


As the thread title suggests, will an NHS dentist fix or replace an old crown that's become crooked over the years? It stands out from the rest of the teeth and a gap has also formed. It's on the top tooth btw.


Will they just say no because it's now a cosmetic issue, or will they replace it with a brand new one?



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Just to clarify - I use an nhs dentist but have to pay for treatment.  I think nhs pay part of the cost for run of the mill treatment. 


Are all crowns gold? Nhs won't pay for a gold replacement. An nhs dentist will replace it if you are  paying yourself. 


I paid an nhs dentist to have a gold crown fitted. Is yours made from an alternative material? If it is then nhs may pay.

Edited by Janus
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