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Drone at gatwick strands 350,000 people.

Message added by Vaati

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5 minutes ago, El Cid said:

Strange that 2 people are involved?

Not really. My question would be why? What were they hoping to achieve?

Given all the people who've been massively inconvenienced* I hope they're brought before a court and given an appropriately stiff sentence.


* I heard a woman on the radio yesterday, extremely distressed and upset having missed the funeral of a close friend in Cyprus. I'm sure there are many more tales of people who've had their plans ruined and incurred lots of extra expenditure.

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3 hours ago, El Cid said:

Strange that 2 people are involved?

I think it was reported at one time that they believed that two drones were being flown.

It is also interesting that the last sighting of a drone was 'around' 10pm and that the arrests were "around' 10pm. Coincidence or good work by the authorities?

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30 minutes ago, Broakham said:

I think it was reported at one time that they believed that two drones were being flown.

It is also interesting that the last sighting of a drone was 'around' 10pm and that the arrests were "around' 10pm. Coincidence or good work by the authorities?

it would have been the army that would have found them, and arrested by the police,

once the army was involved it was only a matter of time. Thank God

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Just imagine next summer


Bored kids who live near airports setting drones off and bringing the entire country to a standstill


The authorities calling it a major terror incident caused by 3 spotty bored 14 year olds


And then giving them names like the Doncaster gang, or the Tamworth Two.

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I blame Putin, Trump and Brexit for this heinous crime. 


On a more sensible note, I honestly think when found guilty the criminals who perpetrated this act should be jailed as an example to others.


I sold my quadcopter a couple of years ago when there was talk of a mandatory operating (Pilot) licence been brought into act. After looking into the licence under the CAA rules, it was mentioned that it would entail a 3 day residential course at a cost of £2k plus.


I have not bothered GOOGLING the current situation, but I have never heard of it been made illegal to fly without a licence, in a safe area of course. The Pilot license would have allowed flying  where the non licence holder could not fly, over public areas for instance.



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48 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

I have not bothered GOOGLING the current situation, but I have never heard of it been made illegal to fly without a licence, in a safe area of course. The Pilot license would have allowed flying  where the non licence holder could not fly, over public areas for instance.

No licence needed but it it were I suspect it would not have stopped anyone using a done maliciously.


The point made earlier about copycat actions is an important one. Now that it is known that a single sighting in the area will automatically lead to the closure of a runway, all sorts of kids will be trying it on like shining lasers at landing planes which has been going on for a while now.

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2 minutes ago, gaz 786 said:

To be honest I dont think a drone would bother 400 tonnes of aeroplane on impact unless it was stuffed with semtex? Anyhow there are signal jammers that can disrupt these toys and crash them or let them fly off into the distance lots of fuss over nothing or just shoot them down with a .22 rimfire jobs a good un !

Dont you think a dustpin sized object sucked into the engine would have an effect?

If only the Police and military had experts that knew of .22 firearms.......

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