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Northern Rail strikes

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22 hours ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

Nice one Slinney , any one with any sense knows you are spot on .

Bus train and plane. A fine mess we are in stanly, but never mind we soon will be having a reshuffle , but shaps could do one thing before that change back the moteways with no hard shoulder ,  if he were to go who would cop for this mess, what about gavin williamson

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On 14/06/2022 at 11:19, Slinny said:

The only thing I want is for the working class to get a fair shake off the wip I have had mine and want my grand kids to get the same and have always disliked bully’s . 

Define working class? is it everyone who works?

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15 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

Define working class? is it everyone who works?

The only thing I will tell you is I define my self as working class , other people will define themselves as not . It is up to the way they define their outlook on life my out look was go out and provide for my family  but I guess that is not the answer you would like me to come up with.   Sorry 

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2 minutes ago, Slinny said:

The only thing I will tell you is I define my self as working class , other people will define themselves as not . It is up to the way they define their outlook on life my out look was go out and provide for my family  but I guess that is not the answer you would like me to come up with.   Sorry 

why apologise, if its your definition that fine and i respect that. 

But i also would class myself as working class using your definition as i go and provide for my family. but through hard work i am now quite a senior position within a company earning a "by the industry" reasonable wage. That wage may seem excessive to others but does that make me any less working class?

Edited by sheffbag
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18 hours ago, sheffbag said:

why apologise, if its your definition that fine and i respect that. 

But i also would class myself as working class using your definition as i go and provide for my family. but through hard work i am now quite a senior position within a company earning a "by the industry" reasonable wage. That wage may seem excessive to others but does that make me any less working class?

No it does not . I had heart attack and went from very hard job . To looking after people with learning difficulties , but I did not change my thoughts on how the country is ran . And in my mind it is not ran at all right now but must say when kids were growing up did not take as much notice off who was in power , when I started taking time on it was when thatcher came to power , I saw many industry’s and comunitys  ruined , . But I will also sayi think Blair was light blue . And that from a life labour voter.

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good on them standing up agasit the people higher up the ladder who earn alot more than any of them on strike do. support them all the way, remeber these people striking are Human beings too not just a driver conductor or another memeber of staff, 

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On 15/06/2022 at 14:18, sheffbag said:

Define working class? is it everyone who works?

Those who don't put on false "Airs & Graces" but Yes,  people who work to keep themselves and their families, but still includes those who may be temporarily out of work through illness or unemployment.

Those who would have no income unless they worked for a living. Those who are not only willing to be called working class but also proud and happy to come under that banner.

The genuine, down to earth, hardworking people who toiled and made this  country the strongest, richest and best in the world until everything was dismantled or sold off in the 80's.

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On 15/06/2022 at 14:50, sheffbag said:

why apologise, if its your definition that fine and i respect that. 

But i also would class myself as working class using your definition as i go and provide for my family. but through hard work i am now quite a senior position within a company earning a "by the industry" reasonable wage. That wage may seem excessive to others but does that make me any less working class?

You seem  to have done well for yourself but that was through your own efforts and certainly doesn't rule you out of being working class.

If you are proud to call yourself working class then you are. If you shudder at the thought, then you must have clocked out.

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

You seem  to have done well for yourself but that was through your own efforts and certainly doesn't rule you out of being working class.

If you are proud to call yourself working class then you are. If you shudder at the thought, then you must have clocked out.

Never been a clever guy , but have made a good life for myself and family and know many more like mehavedone the same , but some pal their old mates out , not me I have met some great ordinary blokes . They are the ones I look up to . But not bully boys ,

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