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Dash cam dangers

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41 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

Perhaps the person did have thought for people and thought that your sons dangerous driving should be reported for the good of the general public.

Im glad to see Im not the only one who is thinking along these lines. I thought for a minute I was getting all cynical in my old age.

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1 hour ago, Ramjit said:

Without trying to sound uncaring, Well done Royal Mail. Your son obviously drove in a way that was contrary to RM's rules and from what you say he possibly got angry and therefore drove in a dangerous manner which warranted him losing his job.

I never thought I would say this but well done to the BMW driver.

It might be a little premature to congratulate the BMW driver. He has evidence of poor driving by the RM driver, who has none. Whilst I would never condone retaliatory driving, we will never know if it was triggered by bad driving on behalf of the BMW driver. 

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3 minutes ago, Broakham said:

It might be a little premature to congratulate the BMW driver. He has evidence of poor driving by the RM driver, who has none. Whilst I would never condone retaliatory driving, we will never know if it was triggered by bad driving on behalf of the BMW driver. 

Blaming someone elses actions for your own bad driving is poor form at best. For example, I was cut up buy an Audi on the Parkway recently. Then, as if to hammer the point home he/she then slammed their brakes on in an attempt to make me hit them up the chuff. I just changed lanes, adjusted my speed then got on with my day. I didnt retaliate. Sure I was angry but life is too short. Life is also fragile especially when you are driving around in two tonnes of metal that if driven like a moron can cause untold damage and take someones life in an instant.

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17 minutes ago, Ramjit said:

Blaming someone elses actions for your own bad driving is poor form at best. For example, I was cut up buy an Audi on the Parkway recently. Then, as if to hammer the point home he/she then slammed their brakes on in an attempt to make me hit them up the chuff. I just changed lanes, adjusted my speed then got on with my day. I didnt retaliate. Sure I was angry but life is too short. Life is also fragile especially when you are driving around in two tonnes of metal that if driven like a moron can cause untold damage and take someones life in an instant.

I agree. I wasn't defending the RM driver in any way.

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4 minutes ago, Broakham said:

I agree. I wasn't defending the RM driver in any way.

I know you weren't. Sorry, I didn't mean to word my reply that way. When I said "You and Your" I was being sort of general, not mean yourself at all.

Sorry again for that.. :-)

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The OP might reflect on the reason why so many replies do not have sympathy for her son, who has lost his job.


I believe it is because we would like everyone to take responsibility for their mistakes, and when someone posts their  support for someone who is experiencing severe consequences of their mistake, we assume they are condoning or trying to minimise the effect of the mistake. We don't really know the OP's motivation, but they have suggested that it was to warning to other drivers. This is a good suggestion - all drivers should be careful about overstepping the mark! Even if someone has deliberately cut you up, there are limits to what society will tolerate by way of retaliation; a short blast on the horn is reasonable, anything more is too much - horns are supposed to warn other motorist, they are not supposed to be sounded after a warning would have no purpose.


Please drive to the best of your ability and respect all other road users.  

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23 hours ago, Susan p said:

Drivers of company vehicles beware of other motorists with dash cams. My son who had a wonderful job that he loved with Royal Mail

has been forced to resign because some stupid high and mighty B M W driver cut him up on St Mary's Gate roundabout and because my son retaliated  the person with no thought for anyone reported him. So beware be polite to everyone who cuts you up it could cost you your job!


Apart from retaliation costing him his job,   he brought the company and company name  in to disrepute.   As Captain Manwearing would say.  " Stupid Boy"   :hihi:

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22 hours ago, Ramjit said:

Blaming someone elses actions for your own bad driving is poor form at best. For example, I was cut up buy an Audi on the Parkway recently. Then, as if to hammer the point home he/she then slammed their brakes on in an attempt to make me hit them up the chuff. I just changed lanes, adjusted my speed then got on with my day. I didnt retaliate. Sure I was angry but life is too short. Life is also fragile especially when you are driving around in two tonnes of metal that if driven like a moron can cause untold damage and take someones life in an instant.

possibly a crash for cash attempt?  I assume you were driving some kind of company vehicle?

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9 hours ago, alchemist said:

possibly a crash for cash attempt?  I assume you were driving some kind of company vehicle?

No company vehicle. I was driving my Vauxhall Grandland. It was possibly a crash for cash attempt, im not sure but im just glad I have dash cams installed.

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