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As the year comes to a close, what really got your goat?

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2019 is just a few hours away for me, and so I'm using the time to reflect on 2018. What has happened that has really annoyed you, or pleasantly surprised you this year?


For me, I've been very let down by politics.  I don't live in the UK, and so my gripes with politicians aren't related to Brexit etc. But across a wide number of countries e.g. Britain, US, China, Brazil, Hong Kong, I've been really disappointed with the efforts and approaches of politicians. Without going into details, I just feel that politicans are increasingly empty, they provide nothing - no ambition or plans, merely just vassals to carry out the whim/policies of whoever can help them the most at the present time.  Perhaps the more experienced members on here will point out that this has always happened, however I just seem to notice it more and more, and it is so disappointing. 


On the positive side, I've been hugely impressed with the younger generation.  Let me explain! Without going into very boring details, the younger generation is currently experiencing a vast about of propaganda (I'm not talking about Sheffield/UK here, but it may apply).  Yet, despite all the pressures e.g. National Education policies, one sided curricula and syllabi, the younger generations have impressed me with their resourcefulness and critical thinking, enabling them to reach their own thoughts/'truths' and not be swayed. This, for me is very encouraging and I hope it continues into the new year.



Happy 2019 to all the members on here, wishing everyone all the best!  

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Brexit & the politicians elected to deal with it.  The people have spoken in the largest democratic vote the UK has ever seen but you all seem incapable of delivering on a clear leave vote, despite you often telling the electorate that we need to pay vast sums of money to the 651 of you because you're the brightest & best. 


Local politicians who think they know best. 


I'd consider moving this posting to general discussion rather than 'Entertainmen'. 


Edited by Baron99
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It is more apparent that many no longer take any serious interest in politics, judging by some of the things that they post on social media, this is disappointing. But it does make me more resolved to make a difference.

For those that want to make a difference, a choice between left or right, is also disappointing.

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Politicians who are so thick they cannot understand that the public voted to LEAVE the EU, not stay tied to them in all but name. 


Morons ,the lot of them. 

43 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Idiots who sit in the middle of motorways when lane one is empty.


And all British politicians. They’re an embarrassment.

We dont always see eye to eye , but you are spot on here.

Edited by Penistone999
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