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As the year comes to a close, what really got your goat?

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Shops being open Christmas Day and Boxing Day.  ( Our local McColls was open both days )

Every household these days have fridges and freezers unlike when I was little they didn't exist but our parents managed very well.  Nowadays it's all about money, money, money and little thought about staff.

Obviously there are always going to be people who are required to work during Christmas such as the emergency services, NHS staff and care workers etc  but retail staff  ?  

I don't work in retail but feel sorry for the people who do.  Wherever possible people should be able to look forward to being off on Christmas Day and Boxing Day.


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A young mother who brought her  baby into the pub on a busy New Years Eve and stood and bottle feed her baby then when she was fed up of holding it she lays the baby on the bar. The manager is just as bad for turning a blind eye in a very busy noisy pub. That got everybody's goat.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 04/01/2019 at 07:31, alan p said:

Eddie I was talking about a posts on expats.

Was it me?!

I've had a quick look at my activity log, and my most recent post in the Expat section was in March 2016 - really hope it wasn't before that and you've still been waiting for an acknowledgement!



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