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What would you like to see in 2019?

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Well, 2018's been a bit of a bummer all round, so, as per the title, what would you like to see happening in 2019?


Personally, I'd like to see a lot more honest politicians with the interests of the people at heart, and a real end to austerity.


I'd like to see young people with a plan for the future, and another brilliant Summer like we had this year.

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An end to the need for food banks in this country which is a national disgrace. 


A shift from the culture of greed. 


An end to NHS charges. 


An end to hounding the disabled. 


An end to the culture of 'celebrity'. 


Free university education for all. 


Strawberry sundaes back at Macdonalds. 


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18 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

The poor instructed the rich establishment in 2016 to Leave the EU. But the rich are dictating that we stay in. I would like to see the wishes of the poor carried out for once and for the UK to Leave the rich mans club.

Car Boot, I'm not sure you are correct in your analysis that the poor decided on the Brexit route, I think you will find it was a mix of the very monetary rich people in society and the people who were influenced by the media into believing the politicians lies.


But back on track, my wishes for 2019 would be :-


- an an end to lying politicians

- fully funded public services

- a wage cap for upper managers based on their lowest paid workers

- big business paying their fair share of tax

- high earners paying their fair share of tax

- tax avoidance schemes to be made illegal

- tax breaks for people who start new businesses.


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A complete halt to illegal immigration and a reduction in legal migration.

Come here the correct way or get sent back to where you came from immediately.


More nurses and less managers in the NHS


 An end to the BBC tax. The ridiculous TV license needs to go. Let the BBC stand or fall on its merits and ability to fund itself.

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47 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

The poor instructed the rich establishment in 2016 to Leave the EU. But the rich are dictating that we stay in. I would like to see the wishes of the poor carried out for once and for the UK to Leave the rich mans club.

The over 50s voted 60% and more to leave the EU, maybe older people are richer, I would think so, 61% of Conservatives voted to leave, again, probably richer; but not fact.

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