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Living alone?

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Interesting topic. I'm a bit of a "loner" in the accepted sense of the word. During my twenties I spent much more time in solitary activities and actively avoided my family at such times as Christmas. I was an only child at a time when people had large families so perhaps I have an innate resilience to being alone. I've just got on with it. 

One thing I've always found interesting is that people seem more willing to talk to you when you're alone. They don't do so when I'm with my OH.  


As mentioned above loneliness is seen by health professionals and researchers as having negative health connotations. 


If youre despeate for company and a sociable  petson, loneliness must be terrible

Edited by Ridgewalk
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On 1/5/2019 at 7:11 PM, spilldig said:

My issue with it is the NHS wasting money on pointless surveys, Another is asking you to rate your GP. that one has a free post reply. Pointless, it will change nothing.


Given that loneliness has health implications, early death, depression other psychological problems, it mayhelp them target services. I went to a meeting several years ago ( Political) and a councillor read out the figures for over 65s in my council ward.


Having said that I largely take your point. 

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