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Is patreon going down?

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You're going to quote my post, and then completely make no attempt the address the specific points it raises?


What I said in my previous post, do you think there's no possiblity that can happen?


Previously in this very thread, I asked for people to point me to where this objectionable material (posted by the banned individuals mentioned on this thread) exists. You (and others) have made no attempt to do so; what am I supposed to conclude from that? You're only making vague unsubstantiated claims that it does infact exist; and you seem to be suggesting that that's the only reason these people are being silenced?


Care to back up your claims and show me that what you claim, actually exists? (i.e. links to actual objectionable material posted online by these deplatformed individuals).


I'm all for forming a more balanced rounded view of things and considering all angles; so I'd genuinely love to see it.


Of course a lot of what happens isn't cute and cuddly. Intolerance and hate comes in all shapes and sizes. I don't think anyone on this thread is at all condoning that fact; it (this thread) is just looking at the specifics of these recent Patreon deplatformings. If you want to discuss the wider context and look in to left wing / right wing extremes and violence; maybe that would be better in another thread.

Edited by Waldo
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5 hours ago, Waldo said:

What about people who misrepresent what others are saying?


For example, if someone is saying something I find distasteful or doesn't suit the world-view paradigm I want everyone to subscribe to, do I just claim that what they're saying is 'bile and hate'?


Of course, as soon as someone labels something as bile and hateful, there's absolutely no need to investigate the matter any further....

You can decide for yourself surely.


And if you see something you don’t agree with you can:

1. Call it out yourself and challenge what you don’t agree with

2. If you think there is a serious legal or criminal issue you have further options with the platform owner and/or the authorities


The ultimate arbiter will of course be the platform owner and/or the authorities.


If there is some kind of legal or criminal issue the platform owner will probably choose to place some restrictions on business with the author of the content.


You’re not a baby, you can look after yourself online and challenge as you see fit. Involve others if necessary.


If you have any issue with this it really comes down to one thing: misguided defence of people posting offensive views while at the same time demanding the right to go unchallenged.


Super simple

2 hours ago, bendix said:

I'm still waiting for Waldo to come up with evidence that antifa or some other group are responsible for people having their accounts closed down.



Waldo looks to me like a poster very close to disappearing down a rather deep and nasty rabbit hole constructed for him/her by the right Theres a palpable sense of incoherent anger. I’ve seen this before with mates who only a few weeks later would list two weeks with their head up Steve Bannon’s backside as their dream vacation. 

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7 hours ago, melthebell said:

if you want to spew bile and hate go ahead, just expect to be challenged and shouted down...cos ITS WRONG.

Who is spewing bile and hate? Is this a case of a radical leftist making things up again? Nothing new there then.  


10 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

The mistake you’re making is that calling out a person for abhorrent views is not bigotry. It’s simply calling out a person for having appalling views.


Nobody should be able to spread lies and hate without being challenged.


It’s really that simple, and is nothing to do with being on any part of the political spectrum. It’s about being decent and defending others under attack. It’s healthy.


Spew bile and hate, or publicly support others that do.....Expect to be challenged.



It is the very definition in the dictionary of bigotry.  However much you don't want it to be it still is.  


23 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:


Waldo looks to me like a poster very close to disappearing down a rather deep and nasty rabbit hole constructed for him/her by the right Theres a palpable sense of incoherent anger. I’ve seen this before with mates who only a few weeks later would list two weeks with their head up Steve Bannon’s backside as their dream vacation. 

Could you explain to Waldo what is wrong with "the right" in your own view. I thought leftists were for diversity and inclusiveness no matter your religion or views?   That very sentence is as bigoted as anyone can be on here. I'm guessing the inclusiveness and diversity does not extend to people with differing political views from yourself as you just stated above about your "friends".


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32 minutes ago, XXTickerXX said:

Who is spewing bile and hate? Is this a case of a radical leftist making things up again? Nothing new there then.  


It is the very definition in the dictionary of bigotry.  However much you don't want it to be it still is.  


Could you explain to Waldo what is wrong with "the right" in your own view. I thought leftists were for diversity and inclusiveness no matter your religion or views?   That very sentence is as bigoted as anyone can be on here. I'm guessing the inclusiveness and diversity does not extend to people with differing political views from yourself as you just stated above about your "friends".


No, it’s not the definition of bigotry.


There is nothing bigoted about calling out bile and hatred.


Try it. Post something on here deeply racist. Do it, wait for me to call it out and then we’ll let everybody else decide who is the bigot.



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If you saw the behaviour of the Brexit supporters outside Parliament today, it's time to realise the dangers of supporting the right to allow unfettered vile and offensive behaviour.


I struggle to see how the world would be a worse place without these dregs of society allowed to say and do what they like.


"Anna Soubry urges police action after 'Nazi taunts' outside Parliament"





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4 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

No, it’s not the definition of bigotry.


There is nothing bigoted about calling out bile and hatred.


Try it. Post something on here deeply racist. Do it, wait for me to call it out and then we’ll let everybody else decide who is the bigot.



I wonder why rabid leftists are wanting other people to post racist comments.  That just shows the projection and prejudice you hold against other people. 


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7 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

Waldo looks to me like a poster very close to disappearing down a rather deep and nasty rabbit hole constructed for him/her by the right Theres a palpable sense of incoherent anger. I’ve seen this before with mates who only a few weeks later would list two weeks with their head up Steve Bannon’s backside as their dream vacation. 

How well you know me! I've been polishing up on my goose-step all evening!

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All I am asking people to show me is all this hate and bile, that is coming from the users of Patreon we are talking about here.


I am not saying it does not exist. Neither am I condoning any political stance.


Some of you claim to see this bile and hate (from the users we're discussing); and if that's the case, why aren't you linking to it? Or, you're not aware of it, and you're just automatically assuming that because these people hold conservative views and have been banned from (or chosen to leave) Patreon, that they're raging Nazis spouting bile and hate are every opportunity. Which is it?


And, I'm not a mod, but I would like to request that people refrain from personal insults (and from intimating that I'm some kind of Nazi). We only demean ourselves when we resort to personal attacks. Thanks you. :)

Edited by Waldo
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