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"something must be done about the angry mobs!"

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1 hour ago, woodview said:

Possibly but improbably.

No it’s probable. There are multiple entrances and exits, and parliament offices are in multiple locations. Soubry is only one of 650 MPs, and close on 1,000 peers, and was travelling between Portcullis house and the Palace of Westminster.


Until the Yellow vests and the left wing fruitcakes turned up we had ministers and MPs and Peers freely travelling around the Westminster area, cycling/walking to work and going to pubs and restaurants in the area. There are possibly up to 2,000 people who now need close security because of the nutters.


And you my friend are utterly ignorant of that reality. 



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11 hours ago, I1L2T3 said:

No it’s probable. There are multiple entrances and exits, and parliament offices are in multiple locations. Soubry is only one of 650 MPs, and close on 1,000 peers, and was travelling between Portcullis house and the Palace of Westminster.


Until the Yellow vests and the left wing fruitcakes turned up we had ministers and MPs and Peers freely travelling around the Westminster area, cycling/walking to work and going to pubs and restaurants in the area. There are possibly up to 2,000 people who now need close security because of the nutters.


And you my friend are utterly ignorant of that reality. 



She had two police men with her and was been heckled by a middle aged bloke. If there was a crime being committed he could have been dealt with.

Your storyline of the situation is pathetic. Ignoring people or even better getting them arrested might seem a good way of getting your own way. It is another nail in the coffin of democracy. Sad times.

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Most politicians are proving that the people who vote for them to pursue their career, based on self interest, and self promation have bee found incapable of representing the people who vote for them highlighted in th Divide and Rule the Buggers Brexit fiesco.   Being exposed as useless snowflakes, they have decided to try and remove as much public interaction and direct critisism  as possible, to re-establish thier position as superior to the rest of us.  They rule us, and tell us what is good for us, having beaten us up for a decade with austerity, or the Neo Liberal trickle down, grab it all consensus.    The fact they are suppose to represent our interests does not and has not yet materialised, but their wages and expenses rise and rise, while they hold back the rest.     We are not turkeys voting for Christmas, we vote to have our interests protected and life improved, and not just theirs.


Regarding Right honerable de Mogg and the old age pensioner who gently asked his son about his fathers indiscretions as he was parading himslf and his accessory family for public.   viewing.   The media transformed this modest interaction into almost a riot when describing it on the news, as did and do the other smowflakes.   They prove the contempt they hold for the public as none were threatened, physically just shouted at while the traffic drove by.


You can trust the mainstream media to show you one thing and  interpret it as they are instructed to do.

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On 12/01/2019 at 17:45, melthebell said:

seems he was gonna hand himself in, his "small band" of supporters arent happy, i smell a Tommy Robinson like slice of martyrdom LOL

and its started, garnering a merry band of right wing thugs and crying foul to create a climate of anger.



Edited by melthebell
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