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Latest stabbing in london

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2 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Absolute rubbish!


We don't have the death penalty in this country so he is no more deserving of being murdered than any other citizen of the UK.

Both extremes of 'deserving it's and 'innocent schoolboy' are wrong.

If you involve yourself in that world you are hugely more likely to come to harm one way or the other.

The press and his parents should be using his death as a warning to others to not go the same way.

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16 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Absolute rubbish!


We don't have the death penalty in this country so he is no more deserving of being murdered than any other citizen of the UK.

whats a death penalty got to do with anything? its a culture that they live in and accept quite readily, he would more than likely have done the same to his attackers.

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18 hours ago, neworderishere said:

nothing to do with drug laws its the inner city gang culture and who is the bravest and who will do the bidding of the drug lords who dont get their hands dirty. dont even begin to think they are innocent they know exactly what they are doing, they see the money 2-3k a week to them its worth the risk.

Everything to do with drug laws. If drugs were legal the criminality associated with them wouldn't exist. 

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9 minutes ago, Halibut said:

Everything to do with drug laws. If drugs were legal the criminality associated with them wouldn't exist. 

Hmmm... :huh:

... well I thought I'd read some pretty inane stuff on here but this one takes the biscuit.


I realise post counts are down but is this really the best we can do to try to encourage more posters? :(

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1 hour ago, Halibut said:

Everything to do with drug laws. If drugs were legal the criminality associated with them wouldn't exist. 

well theres a recipe for anarchy if ever i saw one ?? have you already started on the stuff this early. the criminality exists because it makes good money, if it wasnt drugs it would be something else? do you want slavery back?

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22 hours ago, Halibut said:

So what difference does it make then?

You play stupid games and you win stupid prizes. 


You drive a car fast your going to crash or get felt by the police , you deal in drugs your going to get either reprisals or jailed. Its just one of those things that go hand in hand with crime. 


If your dumb enough to think non of that is going to happen then you either become a prolific replier on SF, dead or have a long stay in a 6x12' at tax payers finest hotels.

1 hour ago, Halibut said:

Everything to do with drug laws. If drugs were legal the criminality associated with them wouldn't exist. 

If we had no laws we would have no crime , that goes one better !!!

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