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3 minutes ago, Halibut said:


While you're at it, what about that fictitious claim that 99% of stabbings are black on black?

You don't have to take "99%" literally, its just a phrase meaning the majority of cases. And I'm talking about the current clear and present issue of the gangs on the streets of London, not general crime right across the whole country including domestic incidents and so on.

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6 minutes ago, Halibut said:

It's not an assumption - it's based on evidence,  It doesn't assume that everyone is racist, it shows that the criminal justice system is biased against ethnic minorities.

There's no evidence. Someone just decided to reverse causality and wrapped all the rhetoric around.

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The sociopolitical analysis as an explanation for criminality, murder, violence and crime is not sufficient. I'm not a sociobiologist, so I'm not going to say it is in the genes.

But the sociopolitical argument quite often runs into the following.

There are plenty of people in stark poverty who never steal or commit a crime. 

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1 hour ago, petemcewan said:


The sociopolitical analysis as an explanation for criminality, murder, violence and crime is not sufficient. I'm not a sociobiologist, so I'm not going to say it is in the genes.

But the sociopolitical argument quite often runs into the following.

There are plenty of people in stark poverty who never steal or commit a crime. 

That's true Pete; I suspect that those are the ones fortunate enough to have stability and security through at least one parent who fulfills their need for love, consistency and a moral framework that makes sense.


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19 minutes ago, Halibut said:

That's true Pete; I suspect that those are the ones fortunate enough to have stability and security through at least one parent who fulfills their need for love, consistency and a moral framework that makes sense.


I hardly ever agree with your posts but that's a damn good reply.

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I don't pretend to know the ins and outs of this. But I think there's more to it than deprivation.

According to gov.uk Bangladeshi and Pakistani heritage people are the largest groups living in the most deprived neighborhoods.

It is a major problem that needs looking at by experts who can do so without a race agenda but also free of fear of involving race in their analysis.

Trevor Phillips, who is black himself, and has been head of the equality commission has spoken on the subject and produced a documentary for Channel 4 called 'The things we won't say about race' .

Worth looking at with an open mind and without an agenda too.

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Just an additional point.

The sociopolitical couples ideology with so called measurable factors in an attempt to arrive at an objective explanation of the phenomena under investigation.

That is all well and good. But sometimes we have to marshal our own commonsense observation ,as a means of giving insight into what is driving complex abbarent violent 


What you say about family may just be overlooked by the social scientist or just plainly rejected as not measurable.One of the roles of the family is to endow the children with a  moral compass -a sense of what is right and what is wrong. If the family is delinquent then the moral compass is never established. It's then up to other agencies to do the job-such as a school.


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