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Homeless read this .

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1 hour ago, geared said:

and many don't.


I'm willing to be rates of internet access are lower amongst the homeless population than your average middle-class punter.

Most homeless I worked with - if they had a mobile - would have a cheap greenscreen PAYG. They usually had very little credit so would mainly us the phones for texting / brief calls.


Our drop in session when they could use a few pc's with internet access was usually packed.

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7 hours ago, Longcol said:

Most homeless I worked with - if they had a mobile - would have a cheap greenscreen PAYG. They usually had very little credit so would mainly us the phones for texting / brief calls.


Our drop in session when they could use a few pc's with internet access was usually packed.



 Well put mate, I too have first-hand experience with real homeless and mentally ill people. The last thing they would have in their bags would be a smartphone. The ones you see with the mobiles are the hustlers and beggars, not the real homeless/street people, who rarely beg.

Edited by Ontarian1981
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11 hours ago, Penistone999 said:

The Royal family bring millions of pounds into the UK economy every year through tourism , 

Have to disagree. The "Royals" bring precious little money into the UK coffers imho. The money spinners are the Properties owned by the Royals and Properties owned by UKpc. I am sure a tourist from far off lands doesn't think to himself/herself, lets visit the UK and have tea with Lizzie. Far more likely to say, lets visit the UK to see Buck Palace, the Tower of London and many other fine landmarks.



1 minute ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:



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10 minutes ago, Albert smith said:

Its remarkable that certain posters have veered the subject away from the wealth and privilege of the few and instead had a kick at the homeless people , one has even brought the Market into the conversation ,You could not make it up.

Which post contains a 'kick at the homeless people'?
I cant see one.

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1 hour ago, Albert smith said:

Its remarkable that certain posters have veered the subject away from the wealth and privilege of the few and instead had a kick at the homeless people , one has even brought the Market into the conversation ,You could not make it up.

Your OP suggesting the homeless read your internet  forum post set it off on the wrong foot.

By twisting facts and silly title, you've wasted hat could have been a useful thread.

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23 minutes ago, woodview said:

Your OP suggesting the homeless read your internet  forum post set it off on the wrong foot.

By twisting facts and silly title, you've wasted hat could have been a useful thread.

Please point out where Said that homeless people read the internet .

No facts twisted at all , The Royals and their hangers on are shameless ,they take these massive perks at public expense while pretending to care about the people ,They are the biggest con merchants in this Country .

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14 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:


I have no idea what the OP is trying to achieve with his post.  Homeless people are not thick.  They know full well that we live in a monarchy, have a royal family and there is a sovereign grant.


I am pretty sure the homeless have bigger fish to fry than worry how the royal household choose to allocate their annual budget.


Maybe the OP needs to actually learn what the sovereign grant is and how much the government raked in from the crown estate in the last profits.  

the last senence is very important. I would guess that most people who rant about the cost of the royals have no idea how this payment is funded. If any of you wish to educate yourselves on this look up "the soveriegn grant" that explains very well how the royals are funded.  and no I am not going to give you the link.  do what I did and look it up.

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3 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

 I am sure a tourist from far off lands doesn't think to himself/herself, lets visit the UK and have tea with Lizzie. Far more likely to say, lets visit the UK to see Buck Palace, the Tower of London and many other fine landmarks.




That's  exactly  what Penistone999 is saying isn't  it? That's  how I read it and don't forget the thousands of people the crown employ from caterers to stable caretakers, horse trainers, gardeners etc etc.

57 minutes ago, Albert smith said:

Please point out where Said that homeless people read the internet .

No facts twisted at all , The Royals and their hangers on are shameless ,they take these massive perks at public expense while pretending to care about the people ,They are the biggest con merchants in this Country .

Get that chip off your shoulder.

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