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Homeless read this .

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The latest stats . 

RecentHomeless peoples deaths  

Sheffield 9. Manchester 50. London 136. Three and a half million quid being spent on one cosseted couples refurbishment is a bloody disgrace when  poor people are dropping dead through cold and hunger on our Streets .

Don't ask me for stats( as the usual suspects do ) look em up.

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2 hours ago, Albert smith said:

The latest stats . 

RecentHomeless peoples deaths  

Sheffield 9. Manchester 50. London 136. Three and a half million quid being spent on one cosseted couples refurbishment is a bloody disgrace when  poor people are dropping dead through cold and hunger on our Streets .

Don't ask me for stats( as the usual suspects do ) look em up.

Can't speak for any other city but in Liverpool there is food, shelter and a bed for every homeless person who wants one.

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1 minute ago, Albert smith said:

Liverpool 32 home less people have died in the last two years ,perhaps they just wanted to die eh!!!!!.

What a stupid thing to say.   Last week this lady died:


Tributes paid to young woman with 'heart of gold' found dead 'in tent'



As you can imagine, the pitchfork mob on social media were out in force blaming the government and council for her death.


But when it transpired that she'd been helped numerous times before, and that help and a bed was always available, people were soon quiet - especially those who knew or were related to her.

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On 12/01/2019 at 14:50, Albert smith said:

Where did the Crown Estates come from ,A gift from God maybe or perhaps they were plundered in the Middle Ages and the some times dodgy descendants and their hundreds of hangers on are still receiving the massive BENIFITS to this day  .

France got it right when they got rid of their scroungers years ago.

Wasting your time with the sycophants mate, they only see it one way. Leave them to their little flags and brown tongues.

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It's a sad indictment of our country that people are homeless in this day and age.  The reasons are complex, some being in that situation because of mental illness and drug addiction and who are resistant to help.  Whatever the rights and wrongs of the cost of this upgrade in Harry's new home, if it didn't go ahead it would doubtless make no difference to homeless people.  Perhaps on their list of patronages there is a Royal person who supports a charity for this cause and is therefore able to draw our attention to the issue.  Can't find one at the moment though. 


On the subject of the YouGov poll about support for the monarchy, it was published on 18th May 2018 which was the day before a Royal wedding. Presumably it was completed in the preceding months. If that was the case, then the sample could possibly have been influenced by all the hype surrounding the event.  People can quite easily be led by the media. Also, the results are surely affected by the demographic of the people who were interviewed.  


The one thing that the Royal Family do well is to keep themselves  in the public eye and in a favourable light.  They have a fantastic PR team to do the job .  The skill with which they manoeuvred Camilla into acceptance by the public was nothing short of genius. From being the 'other woman' she is now fully accepted, some people believing she should be Queen when the time comes.

Meanwhile, the monarchists should be delighted to see the Royal family's latest addition in her attire - they should do as it is said to have cost in the region of  £852,355 (link.)  Hopefully she's giving good value for money. At least her father-in-law's estate is paying for that.  The notion that this leads to increased fashion sales is laughable because most women would never be able to afford designer label clothing.


Perhaps one day society will evolve and will not need  this type of institution but it won't be for some time.

Edited by Jomie
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17 minutes ago, Albert smith said:

Stupid is to stupid be.

So people have to be 'stupid' to not accept the help?


How does that relate to the people whose mental health difficulties are too severe for them to cope with dealing with the system or being shoved into the same physical space as people of whom they may be terrified?  Mental health problems don't just go away when you offer someone a place to stay.

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Medusa is right. Many homeless people are not stupid - they may be ill or have had events in their life which they are unable to cope with. I read that a significant number of ex military men find themselves in this position, some due to post traumatic illness. In young people homelessness may be due to abusive parents/step parents or perhaps due to being in care.  If we are to prevent homelessness we need to invest in treating the causes. The cost of Harry’s new home, while being seemingly unfair, is really a red herring.



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