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Sheffield peregrine falcons

Message added by SheffieldForum

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58 minutes ago, nikki-red said:


Someones said the bird the intruder killed is actually a pigeon.
Obviously this would be good news but if its true where is the female? Looks like the male is there on his own?

Another picture on twitter taken from a different angle shows that indeed it's a pigeon:-)

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 I’m not surprised that the chic has died.  I can’t tell who is male, who is female or what sex the intruder is, but I suspect the intruder is female.  

I can’t see the dead chick in the box at the moment so who has removed it, Mr P or the intruder?   Can only hope should another egg hatch he is not frightened off by the intruder again.  Although I’m not sure if he can cope on his own.


Edited by hauxwell
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Quick summary - chick  hatched about 6.20 tonight, but only about 8 minutes later the intruder, which is a large female, appeared and sat on the nest, frightening the male away. She stayed there for a while, but didn't touch the chick or eggs. When she left, he came back, but by then the chick had been exposed for about 30 minutes in tonight's cold wet weather. At first you could see it breathing, but by the time he came back, I think it was dead, or nearly dead. He didn't try to brood it, but pecked at it for a while, I think checking if it was alive, then he picked it up in his beak and flew off with it, not sure where to. Then he came back and started sitting on the other eggs. If does only seem to be the male on the nest. The female was seen yesterday with an injured leg, maybe she had tried to fight off the intruder female. If anymore eggs do hatch I don't know how hes's going to manage to feed them on his own, if the female has disappeared. 

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