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Fooling the people for nearly 40 years

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For nearly 40 we have experienced increasing polarisation in wealth distribution.  Those at the bottom in the UK need more than one job and with kids  have to rely on food banks as well. Meanwhile at the other end its million and tens of million in bonuses.  The whole social structure  has been run through so called financial squeezing and privatisation.


In 2008 there was the financial crash, where the banks were proved fraudulent and governments who rely on being elected, to represent the people, colluded with the banks and perpetrated the biggest fraud in history, making us all suffer in declining living standards through giving the banks all our money through bailing the fraudsters out.


As for regulation or sorting out the bank, or prosecuting the banks nothing was done, as governments and banks continue to collude.  When it was found that the markets had been manipulated for years by banks banks, again nothing was done.  Market manipulation on a global scale by the banks  means there is not such thing  as a free market.  We now have a financialised markets, which are run for the banks by the banks, and the government has done nothing, therefore supports these banking practices.


The banks started printing money, instead of it being invested the economy,  benefiting the population, it  has been invested in the housing market  and other assets that benefit the banks, not the people.  House prices have rocketed while wages are either lower of have remained stagnant for most people, while food, energy,  rail, water, etc. are allowed to rise, while public service investment that the population benefits from, falls. 


In France, unlike the UK , their education system make people more aware of the financial and economic swindle.  They have drawn a line in the sand, enough is enough, as they cannot feed their families either.  So they take to the streets.  In the UK we also knew our earning s were going nowhere,  public services cut, and when asked to vote on leaving the EU  we voted to leave.  That was how the British demonstrated living standard have fallen so much over the last 40 years.   It was  simple choice in or out, and again the politicians are trying to sell us out again, by asking what sort of out.  In a divorce the parties separate, not negotiate to live in the house and being paid to stay, so its not a divorce and nothing changes.  


Since 2008 the financial fraud industry has inflated prices in all assets and the people have not benefited,  as corporate profits come first, and the government supports a financialised world.  We all know the pumping of trillions into these assets have not increased the standard of living for the majority, just look a the NHS, public services, the and the rest as it is all designed to disintegrate, so can end up like the rest of the  privatised monopolies, not for people but profit.  


The bubble of money printing has reached such heights, and bank fraud is now normalised, the disaster is starting to collapse, the people are getting restless.  So we know there is going to be A FINANCIAL COLLAPSE LIKE CIVILISATIONS HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED IN THEIR HISTORY.  Its not a matter of IF anymore, it’s a case of when.  When money printing starts again in the USA we know the financial industry is desperate, it’s the last throw of the dice, as the amount of debt in the world is unprecedented and unpayable, so the banks will default again.


So how are we going to deal with the civil unrest in the UK, when our government supports banks that regard fraud as part of their normal practice, and still manipulate and control the markets.  Maybe we are witnessing in France the lighting of the people’s fuse, who have had enough of being increasingly exploited, as life has got worse not better over the last 40 years, and being told the food banks will save you, and homelessness will increase.  Soon we will accept poor people dieing on the streets as normal.  This year local governments will have to employ people to remove the frozen corpses of the homeless.  Is this the sort of society that a so called prosperous country with full employment expects?  Or are we being told lies all the time on daily basis to deny and hide the facts?  Are our politicians and its  echo chamber the lapdog mainstream media lying?  

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Wow.    All those all worldwide longstanding social, corporate and human behavioural problems have only existed since 1979???


Jesus, I must have completely wiped my memory and totatlly forgot what a wonderful happy rainbow filled, free society we were 40 years ago.      Of course I remember now,  the world in 1978 was completey free of poverty, free from any sort of social issues, free from conflict, everybody equal, everybody with a roof over the head and pots of gold in the bank.   The government was all about the people.   Companies cared.   Society cared.   There were no worries or cares whatsoever.   No crime, no corruption, no greed, no competition, no rivialries.  


Yes, of course, those happy times when men brough home the bacon and women stayed at home cooking it.     Yes, those lovely times of blatent racism, sexism and homophobia all over the streets and on our TV screens.    Ah.... memories of those union bully boys bringing our economy to its knees and mass disruption to essential services.    Ah yes, those power cuts, food shortages, mass inflation, mass collapse of industry, wage discriminations and segregation of society.


A happy unicorn filled golden ray of sunshine. .......   Right? 


Absolutely mental.   


"fooling the people".     Who?    Most of us are not that dumb.   Human race is what it is.  Human nature is what it is.   This is nothing new and history shows a pattern of hypocrisy, selfishness and deception and advantage taking in all of us.  


The problems existno doubt, but to pin it down to some very recent time frame is just deluded.



Edited by ECCOnoob
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11 hours ago, justinelle said:

For nearly 40 we have experienced increasing polarisation in wealth distribution.  Those at the bottom in the UK need more than one job and with kids  have to rely on food banks as well. Meanwhile at the other end its million and tens of million in bonuses.  The whole social structure  has been run through so called financial squeezing and privatisation.



In 2008 there was the financial crash, where the banks were proved fraudulent and governments who rely on being elected, to represent the people, colluded with the banks and perpetrated the biggest fraud in history, making us all suffer in declining living standards through giving the banks all our money through bailing the fraudsters out.



As for regulation or sorting out the bank, or prosecuting the banks nothing was done, as governments and banks continue to collude.  When it was found that the markets had been manipulated for years by banks banks, again nothing was done.  Market manipulation on a global scale by the banks  means there is not such thing  as a free market.  We now have a financialised markets, which are run for the banks by the banks, and the government has done nothing, therefore supports these banking practices.



The banks started printing money, instead of it being invested the economy,  benefiting the population, it  has been invested in the housing market  and other assets that benefit the banks, not the people.  House prices have rocketed while wages are either lower of have remained stagnant for most people, while food, energy,  rail, water, etc. are allowed to rise, while public service investment that the population benefits from, falls. 



In France, unlike the UK , their education system make people more aware of the financial and economic swindle.  They have drawn a line in the sand, enough is enough, as they cannot feed their families either.  So they take to the streets.  In the UK we also knew our earning s were going nowhere,  public services cut, and when asked to vote on leaving the EU  we voted to leave.  That was how the British demonstrated living standard have fallen so much over the last 40 years.   It was  simple choice in or out, and again the politicians are trying to sell us out again, by asking what sort of out.  In a divorce the parties separate, not negotiate to live in the house and being paid to stay, so its not a divorce and nothing changes.  



Since 2008 the financial fraud industry has inflated prices in all assets and the people have not benefited,  as corporate profits come first, and the government supports a financialised world.  We all know the pumping of trillions into these assets have not increased the standard of living for the majority, just look a the NHS, public services, the and the rest as it is all designed to disintegrate, so can end up like the rest of the  privatised monopolies, not for people but profit.  



The bubble of money printing has reached such heights, and bank fraud is now normalised, the disaster is starting to collapse, the people are getting restless.  So we know there is going to be A FINANCIAL COLLAPSE LIKE CIVILISATIONS HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED IN THEIR HISTORY.  Its not a matter of IF anymore, it’s a case of when.  When money printing starts again in the USA we know the financial industry is desperate, it’s the last throw of the dice, as the amount of debt in the world is unprecedented and unpayable, so the banks will default again.



So how are we going to deal with the civil unrest in the UK, when our government supports banks that regard fraud as part of their normal practice, and still manipulate and control the markets.  Maybe we are witnessing in France the lighting of the people’s fuse, who have had enough of being increasingly exploited, as life has got worse not better over the last 40 years, and being told the food banks will save you, and homelessness will increase.  Soon we will accept poor people dieing on the streets as normal.  This year local governments will have to employ people to remove the frozen corpses of the homeless.  Is this the sort of society that a so called prosperous country with full employment expects?  Or are we being told lies all the time on daily basis to deny and hide the facts?  Are our politicians and its  echo chamber the lapdog mainstream media lying?  

And your solution is ?

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That's an interesting precis of perhaps how the country has arrived at the situation it has.


My own viewpoint is that the powerlessness felt by people by that the changes you outlined are a big contributory factor behind the Brexit outcome.


However, many of the changes that were ushered in by Thatcher in the UK, and Regan in the US, which is known as neoliberalism most likely would've happened anyway under the guise of globalisation.


For those interested in the topoic the OP raises can I recomend this book:


by Anthony Samson. Although it was last published in 2005, so it doesn't include the changes wrought by the banking crisis, I think it's fair to say that power hasn't shifted away from the banks to the people, or their elected representatives. 

Edited by Mister M
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 Its not about finding a solution its about noticing what is and has been going on.  40 years ago a brand new ideological theory was introduced to the UK, having had a few trial runs before, noticeably Pinochet’s  Chile, a close friend of Thatcher.   This theory was all about wealth transfer, from the people to those that deserved it, and those that helped the process, and Blair is a good example of that.  


Legalising theft from the people was called privatisation,  designed by the bankers, and we now live at  a  time when the theory is being realised, does not work.   For those that have grabbed the wealth and pay themselves million a year, the thought of change is out of the question, better to see people starve, die of curable diseases, at lest that would help the economy more than any form of stopping their absurd greedy practices.  Wanting to keep the game going allows a mindset to develop in which natural selection has shown they are superiors and the rest are worthless trash,  and should be grateful for food banks as for some it is free.


This new ideological game played on populations was designed to eviscerate the middle classes, thus simplifying the social structure, into the poor, the ruling class, with the better paid poor, bureaucrats and enforcers policing the masses.  So recreating a master slave, Lords and serf culture.  Incarcerating the offspring of the middle classes in debt was a masterstroke, getting the young to accept invisible chains of increasing debt is a form of mass social control, and like lambs to the slaughter their parents consented to this without a whimper.  Artificial intelligence will help maintain this underclass as well as police it.


But the French have lit a fuse, they have had enough of this articicially imposed  austerity, while the British nobly accept their fate, they have been conditioned  more effectively.  We know how to divide and thus rule, Brexit was the perfect red button, and the headless chicken brigade can talk of nothing else while the NHS, Public Services, increased poverty and homelessness  increasing  all round impoverishment as peoplewatch sports and their celebrities designed to distract them form their mundane  lives.   The French have lit a fuse, where human dignity counts for more than sports and celebrity, and

Edited by justinelle
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11 minutes ago, Mister M said:

That's an interesting precis of perhaps how the country has arrived at the situation it has.


My own viewpoint is that the powerlessness felt by people by that the changes you outlined are a big contributory factor behind the Brexit outcome.


However, many of the changes that were ushered in by Thatcher in the UK, and Regan in the US, which is known as neoliberalism most likely would've happened anyway under the guise of globalisation.


For those interested in the topoic the OP raises can I recomend this book:


by Anthony Samson. Although it was last published in 2005, so it doesn't include the changes wrought by the banking crisis, I think it's fair to say that power hasn't shifted away from the banks to the people, or their elected representatives. 

Nineteen Eighty Four.

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