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Fooling the people for nearly 40 years

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53 minutes ago, justinelle said:

 Its not about finding a solution its about noticing what is and has been going on.  40 years ago a brand new ideological theory was introduced to the UK, having had a few trial runs before, noticeably Pinochet’s  Chile, a close friend of Thatcher.   This theory was all about wealth transfer, from the people to those that deserved it, and those that helped the process, and Blair is a good example of that.  


Legalising theft from the people was called privatisation,  designed by the bankers, and we now live at  a  time when the theory is being realised, does not work.   For those that have grabbed the wealth and pay themselves million a year, the thought of change is out of the question, better to see people starve, die of curable diseases, at lest that would help the economy more than any form of stopping their absurd greedy practices.  Wanting to keep the game going allows a mindset to develop in which natural selection has shown they are superiors and the rest are worthless trash,  and should be grateful for food banks as for some it is free.


This new ideological game played on populations was designed to eviscerate the middle classes, thus simplifying the social structure, into the poor, the ruling class, with the better paid poor, bureaucrats and enforcers policing the masses.  So recreating a master slave, Lords and serf culture.  Incarcerating the offspring of the middle classes in debt was a masterstroke, getting the young to accept invisible chains of increasing debt is a form of mass social control, and like lambs to the slaughter their parents consented to this without a whimper.  Artificial intelligence will help maintain this underclass as well as police it.


But the French have lit a fuse, they have had enough of this articicially imposed  austerity, while the British nobly accept their fate, they have been conditioned  more effectively.  We know how to divide and thus rule, Brexit was the perfect red button, and the headless chicken brigade can talk of nothing else while the NHS, Public Services, increased poverty and homelessness  increasing  all round impoverishment as peoplewatch sports and their celebrities designed to distract them form their mundane  lives.   The French have lit a fuse, where human dignity counts for more than sports and celebrity, and

Lit a fuse?    You really are putting a lot of faith and solution in the recent french protests. 


Firstly, if this is such a dramatic shift in french society how come the most people involved in them (at its peak) was less than 2% of the entire country's population?    What exactly have they achieved in their revolutionary actions - except annoying and disrupting fellow citizens?


Its not as if we have not had our own share of so called "revolutionary" "society changing" actions in the past.    Remember the Occupy movement.   All those saps sat in their tents getting in the way of people going about their business.    Remember the May day riots in London.  All those idiots chanting around the streets smashing up shop windows and knicking their televisions cos of the banks init.      Anything change...... errrm.  No.    On Monday we all went back to our lives.   Just like we did the last time the country protested and rioted.    Remember the anti-cuts, anti-tory, anti-capitalist riots in 2010, 2009, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999.   How about the anti-police ones in 2017, 2000, 1999, 1992, 1989, 1985.   Jesus, we have even had several riots caused by a football team losing a match.


You see the pattern here.    Civil unrest is recorded as far back the Richard I.      This is not  a new story.  Its human nature.


Life is not fair.    There will always be those who have more than others.   There will always be those who work harder than others.   There will also be those who luck out more than others.     Businesses are there to make a profit.    Humans deep down only ever look after number one.   Its dog eat dog. 


As someone else has pointed out what exactly do you want?


Edited by ECCOnoob
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11 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Lit a fuse?    You really are putting a lot of faith and solution in the recent french protests. 


Firstly, if this is such a dramatic shift in french society how come the most people involved in them (at its peak) was less than 2% of the entire country's population?    What exactly have they achieved in their revolutionary actions - except annoying and disrupting fellow citizens?


Its not as if we have not had our own share of so called "revolutionary" "society changing" actions in the past.    Remember the Occupy movement.   All those saps sat in their tents getting in the way of people going about their business.    Remember the May day riots in London.  All those idiots chanting around the streets smashing up shop windows and knicking their televisions cos of the banks init.      Anything change...... errrm.  No.    On Monday we all went back to our lives. 


Life is not fair.    There will always be those who have more than others.   There will always be those who work harder than others.   There will also be those who luck out more than others.     Businesses are there to make a profit.    Humans deep down only ever look after number one.   Its dog eat dog.


Always has been - always will be.


This is not a new story.     Its human nature.     As someone else has pointed out what exactly do you want?


To an extent. However, history from this country  is littered with examples of protest and agitating for change. Sometimes the protests achieve what they set out to do, sometimes they don't. They include examples of an altruism and bravery which contradicts your assertion that its dog eat dog.

Edited by Mister M
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Poverty is about social engineering,  where once there was slavery, we now have wage and debt slaves.  But in order to return the middle classes who escaped from serfdom thanks to the Black Death, the pool of poverty has to be widened.  As it grows it sucks more and more people into it.  Let us not forget the generation of student debt,  a debt that nearly doubles every 10 years as the interest rate is over 6%.



But back to the present situation, which are official figures which are never 100% accurate but give a flavour of the situation.   Research by the Social Metrics Commission (SMC) found that 14.2 million people were living in poverty under the new measure, of which 4.5 million were children and 1.4 million were people of pension age, according to The Independent.


Of that total figure, 7.7 million people were found to be living in “persistent poverty”, meaning they had spent all or most of the last four years or more in poverty, while 6.9 million were living in families with a disabled person.


The figure in the report marks a rise on findings by the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) last year which showed 14 million people in the UK were in poverty.

To add fuel to the fire, in addition there are 2.5 million people in the UK who are less than 10 percent above the poverty line, meaning that relatively small changes in their circumstances could mean they fall below it, the commission found.


Sam Royston, director of policy and research at the Children’s Society, said it was “extremely worrying” that nearly a third of children – around 4.5 million – were living in poverty according to the proposed new measure.


BUT ITS NOT ALL BAD NEWS.  Children born into "poverty" conditions tend to be eat nutritionally poor food that impairs natural biological development.  This is a far sighted and brilliant strategy .  Because of developmental nutritional deprivation, the children will suffer from both psychological and physiological problems as they grow up.  Reaching adulthood this early deprivation will give them poor health, and most will never reach pension age thus saving the country billions, and generously.  This assertion is based on the great news from The Lancet   that Rickets  rate of hospital admissions is the highest it has been since the 1960’s.   It was very common during the Industrial Revolution in the late 1800’s, as more people shifted to urban dwellings.  However, as of late, it appears that rickets is back on the rise.


It was  found that the rate of rickets was highest between 2007 – 2011  the start of real AUSTERITY and true incidence is rising.


Goldacre, M., Hall, N. & Yeates, D. Hospitalisation for children with rickets in England: a historical perspective. The Lancet, 2014

Edited by justinelle
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Because rickets is caused by a lack of calcium and vitamin D, perhaps the Education Minister should consider giving every child one of those small bottles of milky, that had been left in the sun which I as a small child had to endure.

Mrs T would be turning in her grave at the thought :hihi:

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You appear just not GET it, the idea IS to impoverish the people,  thus boosting the treasury coffers.  This allows certain parasitic corporate interests that rely on privatised government contracts to literally pay dividends.   Why give benefits to the greater unwashed, the undeserving,  when you can give it to interests that benifit from government policy.


You do not appear to either understand the practice, or the visibility of the evidence I have outlined,  that is in the public domain, so its not an opinion.  When one says the Nazis were evil, its not an opinion, it’s a simplification of the overwhelming evidence! 


What has been going on for nearly 40 years is a covert implementation of a flawed ideology, and ideologies are the product of a particular way of thinking or set attitude that creates the situation we are in, and will continue to be in. 


This mantra was not invented  40 years ago.   The ideology of the Nazis, is as old as civilisation itself.  The  Romans, Greeks, Mongols, and in more recent history the French, Germans, USA, and Britain  have all practiced genocide,  all justified though a particular ideological framework.  The point is,  to marginalise, dehumanise a group of people, (divide and rule principles)  into non people,  then they have no value,  are worthless and as a problem justifies a solution which  is to eradicate the problem.    One government policy policy was to change the attitude towards the elderly in this country, which with incentives  started  to be practiced.  Let us not forget the Liverpool Care Pathway in which NHS Trusts were paid by the government for every cadavar they manufactured, which for some trusts was over half a billion an year. 


What I am trying to demonstrate is an overall catch all process of impoverishing the population which has been stealthily implemented incrementally over the last 40 years.  It  took 2 generation before this policy could be begin to be applied after WW2 as the PEOPLE wanted a nation to be proud of. 

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Just now, justinelle said:



You appear just not GET it, the idea IS to impoverish the people,  thus boosting the treasury coffers.  This allows certain parasitic corporate interests that rely on privatised government contracts to literally pay dividends.   Why give benefits to the greater unwashed, the undeserving,  when you can give it to interests that benifit from government policy.


You do not appear to either understand the practice, or the visibility of the evidence I have outlined,  that is in the public domain, so its not an opinion.  When one says the Nazis were evil, its not an opinion, it’s a simplification of the overwhelming evidence! 


What has been going on for nearly 40 years is a covert implementation of a flawed ideology, and ideologies are the product of a particular way of thinking or set attitude that creates the situation we are in, and will continue to be in. 


This mantra was not invented  40 years ago.   The ideology of the Nazis, is as old as civilisation itself.  The  Romans, Greeks, Mongols, and in more recent history the French, Germans, USA, and Britain  have all practiced genocide,  all justified though a particular ideological framework.  The point is,  to marginalise, dehumanise a group of people, (divide and rule principles)  into non people,  then they have no value,  are worthless and as a problem justifies a solution which  is to eradicate the problem.    One government policy policy was to change the attitude towards the elderly in this country, which with incentives  started  to be practiced.  Let us not forget the Liverpool Care Pathway in which NHS Trusts were paid by the government for every cadavar they manufactured, which for some trusts was over half a billion an year. 


What I am trying to demonstrate is an overall catch all process of impoverishing the population which has been stealthily implemented incrementally over the last 40 years.  It  took 2 generation before this policy could be begin to be applied after WW2 as the PEOPLE wanted a nation to be proud of. 

I quite agree but t has been the same through out history, what is the answer?

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Britain was occupied after the last Ice  Age around 11,000 years ago, and you say it has been the same throughout history?


When did your specific idea or time in your history start?


I stated that a particular ideology has been followed to the exclusion of any other way of thinking for the last 40 yeas or so,  which is different from any other time in human history,  as it has no concern about the environmental havoc, the mass exterminations or other species, caused specifically by human actions.


Here in the UK the political and corporate elite do not care about people, social policy, suicide rates caused by policy, its about extracting profit, factory farming the people, and if some die due to the process, well that leaves more space for others to be exploited.   The policy design slowly eradicates the middle class, hopefully in  a generation, thanks to student debt,  where middle class parents continue to pay for their children’s after university, unlike previous generations. 


At the moment its an introduction to the process that the Irish experienced in the Potato Famine.  It will be interesting how many homeless people die this year in Sheffield, as well as the yearly crop of pensioners and people who either cannot eat or heat their homes, as our method unlike the Nazis is though the tool of  neglect. The system of neglect allows no individual to be ever accountable...its brilliant!   In some areas of health, involving the ill and old, killing is a profitable process,  its legal, our government pay for results. 


So which historical period are you talking about?  When has it been like this? 





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The initial thrust of the thread is on poverty is the OP aware that the House of Commons, which believes itself to be the centre of political debate in this country, last debated the issue of poverty earlier this month (Tuesday 8th January). I wasn't surprised to hear that what marked out the debate wasn't the quality of interventions from MPs about the plight of MPs poorest constituents. No what marked the debate out was how few took interest in it. Only 20 MPs showed up.

Yet when there is a debate about MP's expenses, the chamber is crammed full, standing room only. Salivating like greedy dogs.

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41 minutes ago, Mister M said:

The initial thrust of the thread is on poverty is the OP aware that the House of Commons, which believes itself to be the centre of political debate in this country, last debated the issue of poverty earlier this month (Tuesday 8th January). I wasn't surprised to hear that what marked out the debate wasn't the quality of interventions from MPs about the plight of MPs poorest constituents. No what marked the debate out was how few took interest in it. Only 20 MPs showed up.

Yet when there is a debate about MP's expenses, the chamber is crammed full, standing room only. Salivating like greedy dogs.

Take a look at our Sheffield mob who represented The Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire at one time .

Some of em like now't better than to be rubbing shoulders with the big time Charley's ,grinning away at the latest photo shoot or even cosying up to the landed gentry. Socialists my arsssee.

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The mass media,  it the tool used to inform the public and reinforce the message to  the political elites of what is important and what is not.  Poverty is considered by the ruling elites as  life choice,  a predisposed condition,  like becoming a musician or artist.   Poverty is regarded as relative, and the political and ruling elites relatives  are just not poor, nor their friends either, so further justifying poverty is somewhat a niche choice.   Change  only happens in this country though a disaster or perceived disaster,  which is sustained by  media coverage over time.  

We do not really protest that much ever, and when we do its never sustained, its a particular event, not a continuous thing like the anti-fracking people, who  are like all protest groups in this country just fotgotten as corporate interests are not keen on change.

In France for some time the battle cry is constantly heard, so the media at told to vilify, blaming the protesters for what governments always do in such circumstances, use agent provocateurs, to influence and change the message of the lower orders though media manipulation.   


As for the numbers on any protest , they are really just  symbol of a greater unease,  representing others that could not or do not wish to publicly display.    In the UK the demonstration against the Iraq war was between 1-2 million, and was dismissed.   The BREXIT vote bought more people out than any election, and again the idea is to dismiss the result.  


We vote for individuals to represent the people, but they end up feathering their own nests, financially, and socially  while dispensing empathy verbally as its cheaper that way, and requires little effort.  The BREXIT  vote (of in or out)  will hopefully demonstrate to the people in this country that democracy when really tested is a sham,  has always been a sham, and will continue to be  a sham.   Such brazen evidence is not what the mass media tool is for, its about the dissemination of  a particular OPINION. 

This  hypocrisy can be seen in the Coup attempt in Venezuela, where our politicians shed crocodile tears for downtrodden  while financing and engineering the situation the country is in to begin with.  Politicians care about these people. 


Meanwhile we are supplying the bombs,  the intelligence to target the bombs, supplying the planes that drop the bombs, smashing all infrastructure and creating fear chaos, and starvation  in a situation we helped create and continue to do nothing about.  Prime Ministers husband  has millions invested in the companies that sustain the wars we are involved in globally, especially the profits from Yemen.  Our p[politicians  do not care about the people in Yemen they care about the people in Venezuela which the US decided  years ago needed regime change.  Makes me spit blood!!!




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