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Fooling the people for nearly 40 years

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On 22/01/2019 at 23:10, Mister M said:

Because rickets is caused by a lack of calcium and vitamin D, perhaps the Education Minister should consider giving every child one of those small bottles of milky, that had been left in the sun which I as a small child had to endure.

Mrs T would be turning in her grave at the thought :hihi:

Or in the winter after a bit of a freeze, the bottle top an inch higher than the bottle, lifted by the milk freezing.



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On 22/01/2019 at 01:08, justinelle said:

For nearly 40 we have experienced increasing polarisation in wealth distribution.  Those at the bottom in the UK need more than one job and with kids  have to rely on food banks as well. Meanwhile at the other end its million and tens of million in bonuses.  The whole social structure  has been run through so called financial squeezing and privatisation.



In 2008 there was the financial crash, where the banks were proved fraudulent and governments who rely on being elected, to represent the people, colluded with the banks and perpetrated the biggest fraud in history, making us all suffer in declining living standards through giving the banks all our money through bailing the fraudsters out.



As for regulation or sorting out the bank, or prosecuting the banks nothing was done, as governments and banks continue to collude.  When it was found that the markets had been manipulated for years by banks banks, again nothing was done.  Market manipulation on a global scale by the banks  means there is not such thing  as a free market.  We now have a financialised markets, which are run for the banks by the banks, and the government has done nothing, therefore supports these banking practices.



The banks started printing money, instead of it being invested the economy,  benefiting the population, it  has been invested in the housing market  and other assets that benefit the banks, not the people.  House prices have rocketed while wages are either lower of have remained stagnant for most people, while food, energy,  rail, water, etc. are allowed to rise, while public service investment that the population benefits from, falls. 



In France, unlike the UK , their education system make people more aware of the financial and economic swindle.  They have drawn a line in the sand, enough is enough, as they cannot feed their families either.  So they take to the streets.  In the UK we also knew our earning s were going nowhere,  public services cut, and when asked to vote on leaving the EU  we voted to leave.  That was how the British demonstrated living standard have fallen so much over the last 40 years.   It was  simple choice in or out, and again the politicians are trying to sell us out again, by asking what sort of out.  In a divorce the parties separate, not negotiate to live in the house and being paid to stay, so its not a divorce and nothing changes.  



Since 2008 the financial fraud industry has inflated prices in all assets and the people have not benefited,  as corporate profits come first, and the government supports a financialised world.  We all know the pumping of trillions into these assets have not increased the standard of living for the majority, just look a the NHS, public services, the and the rest as it is all designed to disintegrate, so can end up like the rest of the  privatised monopolies, not for people but profit.  



The bubble of money printing has reached such heights, and bank fraud is now normalised, the disaster is starting to collapse, the people are getting restless.  So we know there is going to be A FINANCIAL COLLAPSE LIKE CIVILISATIONS HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED IN THEIR HISTORY.  Its not a matter of IF anymore, it’s a case of when.  When money printing starts again in the USA we know the financial industry is desperate, it’s the last throw of the dice, as the amount of debt in the world is unprecedented and unpayable, so the banks will default again.



So how are we going to deal with the civil unrest in the UK, when our government supports banks that regard fraud as part of their normal practice, and still manipulate and control the markets.  Maybe we are witnessing in France the lighting of the people’s fuse, who have had enough of being increasingly exploited, as life has got worse not better over the last 40 years, and being told the food banks will save you, and homelessness will increase.  Soon we will accept poor people dieing on the streets as normal.  This year local governments will have to employ people to remove the frozen corpses of the homeless.  Is this the sort of society that a so called prosperous country with full employment expects?  Or are we being told lies all the time on daily basis to deny and hide the facts?  Are our politicians and its  echo chamber the lapdog mainstream media lying?  

Excellent post.  Anyone who can't see the truth in what you write must seriously have their heads stuck deep in the sand.

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On 22/01/2019 at 14:42, ECCOnoob said:

Lit a fuse?    You really are putting a lot of faith and solution in the recent french protests. 


Firstly, if this is such a dramatic shift in french society how come the most people involved in them (at its peak) was less than 2% of the entire country's population?    What exactly have they achieved in their revolutionary actions - except annoying and disrupting fellow citizens?


Its not as if we have not had our own share of so called "revolutionary" "society changing" actions in the past.    Remember the Occupy movement.   All those saps sat in their tents getting in the way of people going about their business.    Remember the May day riots in London.  All those idiots chanting around the streets smashing up shop windows and knicking their televisions cos of the banks init.      Anything change...... errrm.  No.    On Monday we all went back to our lives.   Just like we did the last time the country protested and rioted.    Remember the anti-cuts, anti-tory, anti-capitalist riots in 2010, 2009, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999.   How about the anti-police ones in 2017, 2000, 1999, 1992, 1989, 1985.   Jesus, we have even had several riots caused by a football team losing a match.


You see the pattern here.    Civil unrest is recorded as far back the Richard I.      This is not  a new story.  Its human nature.


Life is not fair.    There will always be those who have more than others.   There will always be those who work harder than others.   There will also be those who luck out more than others.     Businesses are there to make a profit.    Humans deep down only ever look after number one.   Its dog eat dog. 


As someone else has pointed out what exactly do you want?


Maybe we should have listened to those in the Occupy movement who were active well before the crash which they knew was coming,

They were trying to warn the public of the dangers of Globalisation, Mega Corporations and Neoliberalism,  somebody had to try, as there was a deafening silence coming from the governments who were also well aware of the situation and happy to let it unroll knowing they would be alright Jack.

Allowing the Bankers to get away with it scott free was their second mistake, and a total dereliction of duty, which has in turn allowed the process to continue unabated to the detriment of the many people of this country. 


I have lived quite a long time, the past wasn't perfect but I can't remember a time like this where so many people seem devoid of all hope and have a real fear for the future.

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On 22/01/2019 at 01:08, justinelle said:

For nearly 40 we have experienced increasing polarisation in wealth distribution.  Those at the bottom in the UK need more than one job and with kids  have to rely on food banks as well. Meanwhile at the other end its million and tens of million in bonuses.  The whole social structure  has been run through so called financial squeezing and privatisation.



If you have wealth handed down, you wont be at the bottom of the pile. But everyone that starts with nothing will always find it difficult.

You can give your children a good start if they have a good education, but there will always be people at the bottom.

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7 hours ago, justinelle said:

Why will tehr be people at the bottom, is this some form of eugenics, predisposed people, sub humans, or is it designed into the system, social engineering?  How come people just accept thing without questioning?  

You might want to look up the definition of eugenics.


"the science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics."

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 There are many ways to control breeding and the present one is brilliant,  There were 4.1 million children living in poverty in the UKin 2016-17. That's 30 per cent of children,  and they will all die prematurely thanks to their poor diet.   Diet is crucial in the early years of childhood development.  The process we love to use  for legalised mass murder  sanctions by the state in the UK is through  using the tool of NEGLECT.   So the seeds of eradicating the  poor has to be introduced to children, who we all know will be deprived  of essential nutrients which promote natural  / normal growth.


Through allowing nutrient starvation allows the immune system to not function properly, so the seed of their demise is guaranteed.   So many more millions of children over the last decade have immune systems that will allow natural processes to shorten their miserable lives,  as their educational as well as health will be affected thus the potential quality of their lives is to be pitied.   One could argu the governmetn is demonstrating care to the community.


When a government allows such processes to occur they are complicit.  If I gradually starve the elderly when working  in an old people’s home, or overdose them to shorten their lives, you might think that is a crime.  Well you are wrong, as such care homes are businesses and turnover allows profit, and corporate care is not about care its about profit, or did I miss something.   Every death is a bonus as every new person all adds cash to the bonuses.  Such policies are blamed on the SYSTEM thus its trebles all round.


The ruling elites and their political allies have hatched killing for profit plans for a few decades, remember the Liverpool Care Pathway where NHS trusts made 100’s of millions a year in extra funding for the process of shortening life?


So these children who are purposefully genetically damaged through developmental deprivations will equally produce offspring with a shorten lifespan, and if you want know how the lifespan are decreasing these day just check official figures, not forgetting rickets which has also returned to remind us of the good old days   


Anyway our factories produce goods with a limited life span, which is the foundation of consumerism, so the concept is far from new, just expanded to poor people.  What on earth could be wrong with a bit of covert population control?


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On 29/01/2019 at 00:09, justinelle said:

Why will tehr be people at the bottom, is this some form of eugenics, predisposed people, sub humans, or is it designed into the system, social engineering?  How come people just accept thing without questioning?  

Capitalism is about competition, like a race. There is only one winner but there will be lots of losers. It is indeed designed into the system and we don't question it because we are told this is fair; because after all, we all have a chance of winning the race, don't we? This is patently not true but we seem to be only just starting to question it. The playing field is not level, and some people will be trying to run uphill from the day they are born, while others will have the advantage of only running downhill in the best running shoes money can buy.


We are also never allowed to consider an alternative - do that and you are berated as a looney leftwinger, an enemy of the people, and a communist. But we have been brainwashed from birth to see anything but the current status quo as bad, and our capitalist system as good and the only route to success. Look at how Jeremy Corbyn, and Ed Milliband before him, have been villified and ridiculed.


However we no longer have 'responsible' capitalism which had certain brakes applied, and moral rules to make sure everyone benefitted to some extent, and allowed wealth to trickle down to fund services etc. Now we have rampant Capitalism with no holds barred, winner takes it all and devil take the hindmost. Now we have a very different kind of capitalism altogether.


It's evil and it's called Neoliberalism.

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On 29/01/2019 at 00:09, justinelle said:

Why will tehr be people at the bottom, is this some form of eugenics, predisposed people, sub humans, or is it designed into the system, social engineering?  How come people just accept thing without questioning?  

Unless society somehow becomes a dull lifeless flat plane where everyone has the same things and does the same things there will always be someone at the bottom of the ladder in life. You can improve life for those at the bottom all you want, but they will always be at the bottom relative to those with more success.


Humans aren't robots, some people will always be better at some things than others and should be rewarded accordingly. Do you think your quality of life and financial rewards should be the same as everyone else if you have made effort and they have not? Why?

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34 minutes ago, the_bloke said:

Unless society somehow becomes a dull lifeless flat plane where everyone has the same things and does the same things there will always be someone at the bottom of the ladder in life. You can improve life for those at the bottom all you want, but they will always be at the bottom relative to those with more success.


Humans aren't robots, some people will always be better at some things than others and should be rewarded accordingly. Do you think your quality of life and financial rewards should be the same as everyone else if you have made effort and they have not? Why?

The simple answer to your final question, the_bloke,  is that the OP is for some reason on a mission to drag everyone to the lowest possible level.

I haven't seen one authorative reference to support any of their claims - most probably because there isn't any.

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