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Fooling the people for nearly 40 years

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Humans are not robots, true robots do not excrete regularly, have to be lubricated with alcohol to be themselves, pretend they are unique individuals,   need mindless entertainment to supplement their routine predictable lives, mindlessly buy stuff that  sooner or later they chuck away, as trashing the world,  and treating the sea as its god given  sewer, when not either, being involved in domestic violence,, child exploitations, wars, rapes,  mindless killings, and the rest of the cultural values splashed on their TV entertainment boxes every day.  

Edited by justinelle
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On 31/01/2019 at 05:40, Anna B said:

Capitalism is about competition, like a race. There is only one winner but there will be lots of losers. It is indeed designed into the system and we don't question it because we are told this is fair; because after all, we all have a chance of winning the race, don't we? This is patently not true but we seem to be only just starting to question it. The playing field is not level, and some people will be trying to run uphill from the day they are born, while others will have the advantage of only running downhill in the best running shoes money can buy.


We are also never allowed to consider an alternative - do that and you are berated as a looney leftwinger, an enemy of the people, and a communist. But we have been brainwashed from birth to see anything but the current status quo as bad, and our capitalist system as good and the only route to success. Look at how Jeremy Corbyn, and Ed Milliband before him, have been villified and ridiculed.


However we no longer have 'responsible' capitalism which had certain brakes applied, and moral rules to make sure everyone benefitted to some extent, and allowed wealth to trickle down to fund services etc. Now we have rampant Capitalism with no holds barred, winner takes it all and devil take the hindmost. Now we have a very different kind of capitalism altogether.


It's evil and it's called Neoliberalism.

I won’t. I’ll call you lazy and under achieving and blaming others for your failures. 


I didn't come from an affluent family. But my parents worked damn hard to ensure my brother and I had the best education we could get. We sacrificed a lot. We didn’t have holidays away or other luxuries people nowadays seem to think is a necessity such as SkyTV. We worked hard and achieved 1st class degrees from Russell Group universities. With that, we have landed very good jobs and now have a comfortable living. 


There is a level playing. There are opportunities for everyone to achieve. There is no guarantee that everyone should have the same end result and there shouldn’t be. 

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Capitalism is surely about having capital to start with, whereas capitalism today is based on debt, or no real money!!   In fact debt is created out of thin air and thus can in theory be created forever, and the debt just gets bigger.  The problem happens when debt, which has interest, finds the  rate rises, and then there is the inability to service the debt, which as what the banking collapse was all about, although the propaganda  mouthpieces, stated it was all caused by Labour.  


So how might one destroy for instance the NHS....simple get it into debt, so it has to pay the creditors off first, and as for people, well they can wait or conveniently die.     So debt is a tool of enslavement where individual and organisations can be threatened, frightened, and thus manipulated to do as they are told.  


So we have NHS  paying PFI which depletes it funding abilities, We have  students  owing 50K at 6%  making the debt almost double ever decade.   We have companies getting into debt to buy back their shares, thus artifically boosting the price as less shares, raising bonuses,  all pretending to contribute to the grater good when in reality,  the money goes to the deserving rich. 


Capitalism was once about competition,  but with private monopolies why compete when you can exploit instead.    We cannot compete with China when it comes to various forms of TECH,  so we sanction, fine or arrest  their executives, till they get the message, to slow down and stop outsmarting  the people who control global finance, the petro dollar.


People do compete, as the game is simply limited resources or opportunities that result in   thousands applying for the same job, university, funding, care, and so on.   Its a game like having a load of starving people follow you in an open truck where you slowly chucking food and sweets off so you can watch the people fight for themselves  and their children's survival.  So for the few dishing out the food, or funds its actually a great deal of sadistic fun,  watching people getting hurt just  trying to survive.  


So as for real as opposed to artificially created competition there is increasingly less of that , as its part of the divide and rule philosophy, to artificially create shortages as in PFI where billions a year go to bankers and other investors, and social services cannot cope as result, not enough nurses or doctors, but plenty of bonuses for the people at the top who run these services.

So today capitalism is dead, having been replaced with CRONEY CAPITALISM

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