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At what age did you leave home?

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I was 18. Fell out with my dad because he didn't like my boyfriend and thought he was just a passing phase. I moved into a hostel for a few months then we got our own place. 6 years later we are married and still living together; at some point my dad realised we weren't just playing about and we get on great now... dunno what it would be like if I ever moved back home, it seems as though you get on better with your parents when you don't live with them lol. :hihi:

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Random thread to drag back from 4 years ago, but oh well as I'm bored... I was 18, rented various places for 5 years until finally buying my own home after realising Sheffield was where I was to stay. Don't half miss Liverpool though :(


There's quite a few relocated scousers on here, is it that bad up there? :hihi:

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There's quite a few relocated scousers on here, is it that bad up there? :hihi:


Hey I only moved here for love :love::love::love::love:


Otherwise there's simply no way I'd be here! My OH had a steady permanent job here and I wanted a change of job anyway so I got one over here :D


I like to think I'll move back to liddypool one day..... I hope so!

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I was 29 when I finally moved out. I had been shacked up with a boyfriend before that, bought a dog so couldn't move back home when I left him as my dog didn't get on with mums dog. Moved into a private rent with my pooch. Mum and dad wanted to make the upstairs of their house into a flat for me but I thought it was about time I left the nest for good, I was only 2 minutes walk away from their house anyway :) Although I was close to my parents I still couldn't have gone back home.

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