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At what age did you leave home?

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I left home at 16.. 2 weeks after I left school..

I think I went back once but only for about 2 nights after me and the other half had had a bit of a barney.. :D

I went back to live with my OH and we've lived together ever since.. :)

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Not until I was 24, and that was to get married. Returned at 25 (complete with daughter) after hubby passed away, and stayed for 3 years. Always felt comfortable with my parents, never a proble with 'personal space'. My daughter left to go to uni but has always flitted back to home, and my Mum lives now just 5 mins down the road, yes I would move back in with her no probs.

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21 when I got married. Very few people moved in together in those days without getting married first.


DD left at 19 to work in the States, and DS at the same age to go to Uni. They've both been back for brief periods, but they wouldn't want to live with us - and vice versa. We have a good relationship with both our adult children, and we want to make sure we keep it that way! ;)

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i ran away from home at the age of 17 to my real mums but went back to my fosterers at the ae of 19 when later that yr i got my own council house then moved in with my then bf for 7yrs then got another council house been here 14yrs i would never ever go back to live with either family again.

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I sort of left home at 18 when I got a live in job which meant I had to go elsewhere on my days off and holidays so I kept returning home which was OK for about 6 months. Then my mum moved my younger brother into my bedroom and turned his bedroom into a dining room (we lived in a bungalow). She gave me a camp bed to put up in the living room. I was devastated at losing my bedroom and having all my possessions put in boxes in the garage. I got a bedsit when I was 19 and a house when I was 20.

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Isn't it strange that most people moved out between the 16-22 age, but at the moment the average age of moving out thesedays is about 25. I'm 21 and couldn't even begin to imagine not living at home, I just haven't got the funds to pay for it, even though I work full time.

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Isn't it strange that most people moved out between the 16-22 age, but at the moment the average age of moving out these days is about 25. I'm 21 and couldn't even begin to imagine not living at home, I just haven't got the funds to pay for it, even though I work full time.


When I moved out at 16 - 18 years ago, neither me nor my OH could really afford it.. I was working part time and he was full time and believe me, we scrimped ALOT..

We rented from a private landlord and paid £25 a week rent for a 2 up 2 down cottage.. Tiny little place it was..

I remember we used to spend £30 a fortnight on food shopping from Morrisons.. We always made sure all our bills got paid, but there wasn't really a great deal left for us at the end of the week, but it was what we wanted so we made it work..

Believe me, it was very tough for a long time, but with time and patience, things turned out ok and we are still living happily ever after.. :)

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