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At what age did you leave home?

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Rich why have you got this thing about that peple goin to call you a chav if you live in a councill house i dont get it, ive not seen no one calling you one for ages now. i bet more then half of this forum live in council house.


Any how i was 15. i had to live in a hostle type place (not a childrens home) till i go to 16 then i never look back, not goin into detail why i left but it was nothing to do with my parents. I be 30 this year and still in council home and i like being able to live my life. I did not like it when i had to stop with parents one time when i was in hospital and i hated it. it was like been back at home. Just glad i got my own space as i like it that way.


I'm sorry Dieselbabe it's just a thing on here that certain people will take any excuse they can to use the C word (Chav) at my expense despite the fact that the Mods have warned against it, and more to the point, it infuriates me, just cos I live in S6 :rant:

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left home at 16 been living in a council house for last 5 years would not be able to move back home as im use to having my own space its nice to go and stop and my mums for a couple of days but any longer then that and its not a good idea

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I never left home, it left me. I realise that sounds odd but it's true.

Cigarettes killed my Dad, he got hit on the head by a big case of them at Liverpool docks.

My mum remarried after two years and left home, so I being the eldest 17 looked after my two younger sisters and younger brother. My eldest sister was away being a nun, my second eldest sister had got married just after my dad died.

I eventually, at 22 joined the RAF where I met a Sheffield lass...

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I went to live with a friend when i was 15, problems at home, then went to college at 17, deliberatley chose one with halls of residence, went to London when i was 19, then Peru when i was 22, then all over the world for the next 15 years. No i could never ever ever have gone back home, no not ever.

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I left home almost as soon as I was eighteen. I turned 18 on the 5th, and was in my own place a fortnight later.


It's been nearly 25 years...


I would not move back, (I only have my dad, now, anyway). I think, had I not got out then, I'd never have got out.



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