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At what age did you leave home?

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I am surprised at how young we all were!


I was 18 - for university in Leeds, but whilst i was there (before the first Christmas) my mother and stepdad sold our house and moved to North Yorkshire. So i stayed at my grans or boyfriends then during the holidays.


I moved into my Grandmothers (who i love dearly but not to live with) for eight months when i finished university whilst i sorted out buying a property. It was a nightmare! She INSISTED on washing (please don't i can do it myself fell on deaf ears) and cooking for me (It would be plated up when i got home from work and was usually cheese salad. She'd sulk if i'd already eaten - Gran i told you i was going out from work) When i rolled in at 3am she'd have waited up for me! I found myself fitting my life round my gran's sleeping habits!

The last straw was when i had a particularly heavy night out and threw all my clothes by the side of my bed. She came into my room picked them up and washed them INCLUDING a very expensive dry clean only shirt I'd bought and worn that once. It shrank so it wouldn't even fit my then baby sister. It was TIME to go!

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I had to leave my home at 18 because my dear mom died of cancer and she was married to this bloke who was not very nice,and only a few weeks after her funeral he says to me you will have to find somewhwere else to live because i am moving house,i was still grieveing and now had this to contend with but thankfully i had a sister who came to the rescue and put me up at her house until i got married 2 weeks after i was 20,by the way he never moved house till about 8 yrs later,GOD HOW I HATE THAT MAN.

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I had to leave my home at 18 because my dear mom died of cancer and she was married to this bloke who was not very nice,and only a few weeks after her funeral he says to me you will have to find somewhwere else to live because i am moving house,i was still grieveing and now had this to contend with but thankfully i had a sister who came to the rescue and put me up at her house until i got married 2 weeks after i was 20,by the way he never moved house till about 8 yrs later,GOD HOW I HATE THAT MAN.


Oh my god - what an evil get - glad you had some family to help you out!


I left home (Scunthorpe) at 18 to go to Derby uni - i hated the course, but also hated scunny so i transferred onto a course at Shef uni, still here 8 years later....

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Any how i was 15. i had to live in a hostle type place (not a childrens home) till i go to 16 then i never look back, not goin into detail why i left but it was nothing to do with my parents. I be 30 this year and still in council home and i like being able to live my life. I did not like it when i had to stop with parents one time when i was in hospital and i hated it. it was like been back at home. Just glad i got my own space as i like it that way.


Like dieselbabe I left early but I had just turned 16, stayed in Roundabout (hostel) for 2 weeks until the council gave me a grotty flat. Got out of the council system at 21 and private rented, now bought my own home and thankful of it.

I've stayed at my parents whilst house sitting but never stayed there with them since I left, I promised myself I would never go back to living with them and I never have. Definitely for the best.

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you'll probably find that no-one would bother if you didn't 'bite' so easily.





He throws the bait himself, sometimes;).



In response to the OP:


Left my parents home at 16 (nearly 24 years ago) and can see no eventuality that will take me back there:).

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I left home 2 months after my 17th birthday. Didn't get on with my new step dad. I bummed around for a 10 months, living in Roundabout homeless hostel on and off and various dodgy bedsits until I got a flat on Kelvin the day before my 18th birthday. :D I moved in with a quilt and a pillow and slept on the floor. I didn't care as it was warm and better than sleeping in a phone box which was where I'd been sleeping for a couple of weeks before hand.

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