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At what age did you leave home?

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I left about 3 days before my 19th birthday. I returned about 3 months later.


It wasn't that I wasn't ready or disliked it, it was simply a relocation thing, I returned to Sheffield to go back to college. I've moved out for uni now but spending ym summer back home, 3 days in and i already hated it.


I could never return properly.



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I left home at 17, moved in with my then boyfriend(now husband), I go and stay with my mum for 3 weeks every summer(she lives in France). I can't imagine, I would want to live with my parents full time again.

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I left home 2 months after my 17th birthday. Didn't get on with my new step dad. I bummed around for a 10 months, living in Roundabout homeless hostel on and off and various dodgy bedsits until I got a flat on Kelvin the day before my 18th birthday. :D I moved in with a quilt and a pillow and slept on the floor. I didn't care as it was warm and better than sleeping in a phone box which was where I'd been sleeping for a couple of weeks before hand.

I know that story, due to some careful thought before leaving ( I knew I would have to get out one day) I had been saving household items for sometime, buyings bits I could afford and saving things people gave me.

I had 16 pairs of curtains, 1 carriage clock, a full crockery set, a mini hifi, a red light bulb, a yellow lightbulb, some wall pictures and a mirror when I moved in.

I slept on 15 pairs of curtains and used 1 pair to cover me whilst sleeping next to the radiator.

Thankfully, a few weeks later St Vincent de Paul were contacted about my situation and I was given a few more bits which kept me going a while.

Onward and upward, we've all survived.

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Left at 18 to come to Sheffield Uni. Went back to Manchester briefly after graduation but all my mates were in Sheffield so I soon moved back.


Mum and Stepdad then moved to Sheffield a few years later - they saw the light - and live in leafy Wharncliffe Side. I often visit, in fact I'm staying there next week to help out with the doggies whilst my Stepdad is away - looking forward to it - nice Doggies, nice Mum, good food and no scumbag gitfaces playing their naff records at full blast all day long.

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37...lol....i will let ma mum know..ok! :gag::P


Which country do you now reside ....tehehehehaha :suspect:


tut tut :P


:gag:? tch 37 aint that old...just more experienced :) errrrrm


and we all know i put county you bad bad girl

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I am surprised at how young we all were!



tbh round here in small villages every lives at home in their 40s lol



but i think thats mainly down to high house prices (well over 200 grand mainly) and not as many council / housing association houses

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