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At what age did you leave home?

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There are a couple of real sad cases at work who are in their 30's and live with their parents. Thing is they are a couple. God knows how they'll cope if (when) they ever get a place for themselves. They can't cook - honestly one of them tried to heat beans in a pan when his Mum left him on his own for a week - it took him THREE attempts to heat beans! He'd come into work and people would ask him how he'd got on the night before, once he didn't have the heat on high enough and another time he still had the hob cover on. When they have to cope for themselves no doubt it will be microwave pizza and coke for tea every night.


I'm surprised they can wipe their own backsides.

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There are a couple of real sad cases at work who are in their 30's and live with their parents. Thing is they are a couple. God knows how they'll cope if (when) they ever get a place for themselves. They can't cook - honestly one of them tried to heat beans in a pan when his Mum left him on his own for a week - it took him THREE attempts to heat beans! He'd come into work and people would ask him how he'd got on the night before, once he didn't have the heat on high enough and another time he still had the hob cover on. When they have to cope for themselves no doubt it will be microwave pizza and coke for tea every night.


I'm surprised they can wipe their own backsides.





when i first left home, ive always cooked, my mum gave me 2 recipes when i left......quiche and yorkshire pudding

i also used to cook proper chips quite abit


since then i dont think im a bad cook, i do curry, soup, casserole, macaroni cheese, big dinner with yorkie puds and gravy etc, cheese and lentil loaf among others


i am a bit crap at omlettes and pancakes tho tbh......things that stick to pans and get mashup




i dont make home made baked beans tho, mine come out of a tin :)

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i left when i was 17 for a month as i was having problems at home. i moved out properly last year when i was 19 into a house share, hated it and luckily met the 'love of my life' and moved in with him after a month. 10 months later we decided to move to sheffield. have been her for 8 months now and will never look back! yay to sheffield! :)

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I'm 19. I haven't left home. I don't want to. I like my house & there are millions of reasons why I couldn't even leave if I wanted but I won't go into it as it's not relevant. I don't always get on with who I live with but I wouldn't want to live on my own.

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Originally Posted by Savannah2

Which country do you now reside ....tehehehehaha


County, not country.



tut tut


? tch 37 aint that old...just more experienced errrrrm


and we all know i put county you bad bad girl


I know, lol i changed it on purpose...hehehaha


So, i now know you like bad gurlz :P:help:

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I moved in with my fiancee just after turning 22. We lived together for around 18 months and then I moved back to my parents in Sheffield. I thought I would hate moving back, but it's not been too bad so far! Plus for the first time in ages I'm not skint.

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