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At what age did you leave home?

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i moved out at age 21, 4 years ago now, i dont think i could go back to my parents house, no sooner had i moved out did they move house and down sized to a smaller house, dont think they'd have the room for me and my 2 little kiddies now.

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i moved out at age 21, 4 years ago now, i dont think i could go back to my parents house, no sooner had i moved out did they move house and down sized to a smaller house


At least they told you where they were moving to:hihi::D

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Guest Pauly

Left at 19 to go to college in Blackpool. Lived with them again for a year between Oct 2003 and Oct 2004 when I was training to be a gas fitter. Longest and most stressful living experience ever. Me and Mum just don't see eye to eye when we're living together, bless her. She's got a heart of gold but her constant fussing does my nut in. :hihi:

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I originally left home at 17, went to live with 2 mates, returned home after 1 year because one of the girls got pregnant and we couldn't afford to keep the house on, moved in with my boyfs family after just 1 month at home as I hated it, got my first council house 1 year later and then 2 years after that I have just bought my partners mums house with him.


I would never ever want to move back to my parents, it would drive me nuts!

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Looking back now, I left home in two stages.


In Sept 1998 I came to Sheffield and started a four year degree course. However, undergraduate students are off approximately five months a year, and I'd return to my parents' house every holiday and work full-time in warehouses to earn money. I'd therefore only "50% left home".


In 2002 I started a PhD at the same department here in Sheffield. As a PhD course is all year round, I felt at that point that I was permanently leaving home. I'm quite an independent person so I think it's important to live on your own and support yourself. My two best friends are 26 though and they're both still living with their parents. :o


They both subscribe to the "renting is just wasting money, so I'm living with my parents till I get a mortgage" school of thought. The term for this is "KIPPERS" - Kids In Parents Property Eating Retirement Savings"



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Guest Pauly

I've come across a fair few people who've told me to 'move back in with your folks. It's cheap rent innit!' :roll:


It's usually benefit-collecting, council-property-living job-dodgers that I hear this from though. ;)


Not saying that all council dwellers are like this though. It's only a small minority from what I've seen. :P

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I moved out the first time when i was 22, lived with a couple of mates. This was fine until my housemate James who was gay and a hairdresser discovered he could make more money from other services he could offer rather than cutting hair. Having the downstair bedroom I ended up as some sort of secretary for him so I phoned my daddy and he moved me out and painted my old bedroom pink so i'd move back in (aged 23). Moved in with my boyfriend aged 25, leaving Birmingham and coming to Sheffield, that was 2 years ago.


I'm still not very self sufficient though - wouldn't last 5 minutes on my own...

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I moved to uni two days after my 18th birthday and, unlike many students, don't go home in the holidays - I've not stayed there for more than two nights since moving out!! I go and see them about once a month though, sometimes to stay over but usually just for dinner.


I lived in halls for a year, then into a shared house but found I'm not suited to sharing houses and so moved out six months later into a flat with my boyfriend. Currently looking for somewhere to live as our contract runs out on the place we're in on Saturday, and the flat we had lined up has fallen through at the last minute :(


I get on great with all my family now, but when I was living at home, it was a living hell!

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I guess it doesn't really matter which way u do it. Some friends in London still live with their parents. Cos rent and properties are so high down there. I doubt that they'll be able to get onto the list for council flats either.


I left at 18 to go to uni. Came back at 21/22. Then moved out again at 25 into my own place after scrimping and saving for the past few years. There goes my youth. It was hard to move back home once I've lived away. Then again, if I didn't stay and made things work a bit, I couldn't have saved enough for a deposit for a house.


I prob will move back in with my parents when they get old. Well, that is if they still wanna live with me. I see it as a duty. By then, they'll have their choices though. I do think that living with grandparents do instill a sense of family togetherness to the kids. I know my cousins are more adjusted because of my grandma.

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