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What ever happened to the fish?


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Originally posted by kirky

i remember when man utd fans smashed it:|

That's just cockney jelousy,

there probably were looking for jellied eels



I have just sent the council a polite letter by email to ask for a new aquarium. :clap:


I've got my own, next to me here at work and all my work colleagues love it, it's so relaxing and colourful.

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hi all,

my friends used to look after the fish tank in the 'hole in the road' around 1980, they were given a monthly fee for the food etc. the door was on the right of the tank, but because the wall was matt black it was hardly noticable.it was a real tight squeeze getting behind it to feed and care for them. it was a real shame when they closed it up. it was a very popular hobby at that time as tropical fish were pretty cheap, we ourselves had 7 x 4 foot fish tanks in our living room! we used to go to fish shows very much like crufts, it seems a bit silly now but it was harmless fun. Im sure there must be someplace that could accomodate a fish tank of that size, perhaps the tropical plant house?

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Originally posted by muddycoffee

That's just cockney jelousy,

there probably were looking for jellied eels



I have just sent the council a polite letter by email to ask for a new aquarium. :clap:


I've got my own, next to me here at work and all my work colleagues love it, it's so relaxing and colourful.

What has "Cockney jealousy" got to do with Man Utd. fans, they are 200 miles apart.

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Originally posted by timo

Didn't someone do a 'smash and grab' raid on the tank once? I seem to remember this from the early 80s. Must have been a crack team of criminal aquarists?


Yes look at what happened to the clown fish CLICK

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Originally posted by mr.fogg

What has "Cockney jealousy" got to do with Man Utd. fans, they are 200 miles apart.

I was going to ask the same, but then realised that most Man UTD fans don't live in Manchester :D


Anyway, back to the fish. We have a nice set up at home and it's not expensive after the initial set up.


Not sure where the council would put one now, but if you want to start a proper campaign then why not research sites to put one, the costs involved and maybe a volunteer group to maintain it (this would keep the costs down). I would add myself as a volunteer if required and I am sure many others on here have marine and tropical fish keeping expertise too.


If you approach the council with a full plan, costs, volunteers etc. and maybe even a company sponsoring it then I am sure they would take your suggestions a lot more seriously.

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I put something along the lines of -


Dear Sir/Madam


I am writing to request the resurrection of the much loved fish tank that was once in the old hole in the road. It was a very popular attraction enjoyed by a wide range of people. Therefore I and many others feel that an aquarium would be a great addition to the Winter Gardens, drawing more visitors and adding to the existing ambience of the building. Please forward our requests to the relevant person.


Etc etc


Its our city for gods sake! why cant we have a say in what gets built here, nobody ever asked me if I wanted a centre for popular music or a winter garden! :suspect:

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