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Remember the six million .

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5 hours ago, Kidorry said:

Has there been any mention of the 26 million Soviet dead, without them things would have been very different now.  

Many of the “26” million soviets were murdered by their own...so you’re right, without Stalin it could have been very different for millions of Soviet’s.


Holocaust day is a day of remembrance... the brutality of man to inflict such misery on his fellow man, as well as other species is well documented throughout time.

Itll happen again in some form or other...it’s in our DNA....regrettably!!

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42 minutes ago, Albert smith said:

I find it very strange that this subject is ignored ,perhaps the media is right and that ant semitism is on the rise in Europe.

It certainly is in Britain.


"Holocaust Memorial Day: 'Shocking' levels of denial remain"




It is a real problem and makes it even more despicable that some are using antisemitism as a stick to score cheap points against their political opponents! 😡

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36 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

It certainly is in Britain.


"Holocaust Memorial Day: 'Shocking' levels of denial remain"




It is a real problem and makes it even more despicable that some are using antisemitism as a stick to score cheap points against their political opponents! 😡

I’m a bit confused. It’s a problem but if certain people say it I can’t call it out?

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I agree the Holocaust should be taught about in schools and we all remember what can be happen.

I suppose the day isn't a widespread observed thing, because principly it was an act carried out by a regime we went to war with, and we were partly to thank for the horrors ending.

Anti-semitism is present in the UK and needs to be stopped. It is also used as a false tool to bash openents who aren't. False claims of racism and xenophobia are also used in a similar way as nasty slurs against people and groups who aren't. Brandishing all things like that for a cheap argument winner is slimy imo.


The day needs to be respected for what it is, to remember the evil men can do against fellow humans.

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1 It is a day to remember the millions of individual people murdered because they had Jewish connections.

2 Then it is a day to remember the reason why  they were murdered.

3 Then it is a day to realise that we can still do it.

4 Then it is a day to realise that I must do something about it.


So here goes:

To anybody who denies, avoids, deflects or dilutes what happened to millions of individuals and why, need to look in the mirror and deep into their own eyes and repeat their post -twice.


In that same mirror asked yourself "If others try to manipulate me, persuade me, use me etc, do I:

1 Do I usually join in?

2 Do I usually say " I don't like them but I agree with  some of what they say?

3 Do I usually ignore it?

4 Do I usually turn around and say "That's <removed>




Edited by nikki-red
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And remember it wasn't just Jews. Socialists, Communists, Gypsies, the disabled, the menatally ill....all sent to the gas chambers.


But we have an American President who thinks some of the people who hold these exact same views are "fine people".

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