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Liam Neeson Interview.

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Just confirms my opinion that the real intelligent folk in the entertainment business are the scrip writers & screen writers who put the actual words into the mouths of actors & actresses. 


Let them loose without a script & they end up speaking all sorts of nonsense. 

Edited by Baron99
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2 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Anybody who believes that somebody living in a violent society, such as Northern Ireland in the 1970's, doesn't become brutalised by that violence then they've absolutely no idea of the real world we live in. 

More nonsense from the comedy Trotskyist.


I suspect that I know a hell of a lot more people who have lived through the conflict in Ireland than you and the vast majority of them have not been brutalised by it.


By the way, I'm pretty sure that anti-Irish racism does exist in the real world.

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Four pages in and no one has said anything about his friend being raped which lead to him feeling the way he did. It's like that doesn't matter, even though that's the actual only criminal offence in the story and the only bit of it that has left a lasting impression physically and psychologically on someone.


I wonder what would have happened if the key descriptor of the alleged rapist was 'English' and not 'Black' and he went around looking to exact revenge on an Englishman for a week? Would this story even be a thing?

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1 hour ago, the_bloke said:

Four pages in and no one has said anything about his friend being raped which lead to him feeling the way he did. It's like that doesn't matter, even though that's the actual only criminal offence in the story and the only bit of it that has left a lasting impression physically and psychologically on someone.


I wonder what would have happened if the key descriptor of the alleged rapist was 'English' and not 'Black' and he went around looking to exact revenge on an Englishman for a week? Would this story even be a thing?

Correct on your last point. When I saw the piece with Neeson trying to explain himself on USA Today, he said he could just have easily been looking for an individual who, (& he listed a number of nationalities), was English / white.  So you're right.  We probably wouldn't be having this conversation.?


On a related note, when there have been cases of CSE locally, how many posters on here have made comments that such individuals should be strung up or that if they'd touched any members of their families, hint that entire communities are in some way to blame? 

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5 hours ago, alchresearch said:

I think his career hit the skids some time ago.  He's become typecast as the go-to guy for any thriller which involves being a mild-mannered family fan (may be ex police or special forces to explain why he's so good) who has to defuse a hostage / kidnap / revenge situation, resulting in everyone saved and all baddies dead.


"Non Stop" and "The Commuter" were essentially the same films. Just one on a plane, the other a train.


He's still watchable and the last film I saw of his, Widows, was slightly different- ironically his love interest in the first part of the film is a black woman (played by Violet Davis)

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Honestly, the world has gone mad. People get into trouble nowadays for a 40 year old yearbook picture or just for the look on their face. I was skimming the news and saw where Shawn Mendes  has apologized for accidentally liking a transphobic tweet. 


Social media is a curse. I don't think people are meant to vomit their every thought where it can all be read, sifted through and evaluated, nor others meant to know what everyone is thinking all the time.


For some reason, Liam Neeson has now become infected with the "must confess my "sins" in public and grovel for forgiveness" disease. God knows whatever possessed him to do this, though I have a feeling his career will be just fine. 


Mark Wahlberg actually committed a crime and he seems  not to have suffered from his actions much if at all.  





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On 05/02/2019 at 03:46, melthebell said:

its like that teacher guy who was in the news recently over his year book and racism, people said hes not racist, look at at what hes done since. The problem i have is....to do that type of thing means there must be the thoughts in your head, racist thoughts, they dont go away, its fundamentally you. you can push them to one side but essentially they stay there

Oh is that so? Thank you doctor.  By your logic then no one should ever be released from prison. Once a criminal always a criminal, nor drug addicts (who often become criminals to support their habit) or alcoholics given second chances. Those criminal/druggie thoughts don't go away, it's fundamentally who they are. Set in stone forever.  Or does that only apply to racism? Murderers, rapists and thieves are allowed second chances but not racists?

Edited by Sierra
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2 hours ago, Sierra said:

Oh is that so? Thank you doctor.  By your logic then no one should ever be released from prison. Once a criminal always a criminal, nor drug addicts (who often become criminals to support their habit) or alcoholics given second chances. Those criminal/druggie thoughts don't go away, it's fundamentally who they are. Set in stone forever.  Or does that only apply to racism? Murderers, rapists and thieves are allowed second chances but not racists?

Indeed. Another fine example of left wing hypocrisy.

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Let's burn him. Anybody who did anything unacceptable in the past should be castigated forever.

I assume all the people who cannot cope with what he said also dismiss the idea of Offender rehabilitation, jobs for ex offenders etc etc. Are all these people also pro death penalty and re-introduce deportation to Australia???

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