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Teenager who sexually abused a child given absolute discharge

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7 minutes ago, lottiecass said:

If this was your 6yr old would you be satisfied with the result? this wasn't a one off, it was over a 2yr span.


Oh yes lottie has.

What has that got to do with anything?  


Emotional reactions are irrelevant when determining an impartial judgment based on facts and evidence presented in a case.

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1 minute ago, Top Cats Hat said:

First of all he was 15, not 17 or 18 and secondly I have no idea of the circumstances other than what was reported in the paper so unlike others who also have no idea of the circumstances, I shall leave that decision to those in a much better position to make it.

He WAS 15 two years ago. Hes now studying dentistry.

So, you have no idea, but feel perfectly comfortable he has walked away, even though it isn't disputed he sexually abused a six year old.

Are you equally confident in ALL judgements?

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2 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Emotional reactions are irrelevant when determining an impartial judgment based on facts and evidence presented in a case.

Not only irrelevant but counterproductive.


If the pitchfork and flaming torches brigade got their way and everybody got a life sentence for every crime regardless of degree, the judicial system would completely collapse as any form of deterrant for most crime, particularly minor crime as there would be no ceiling to prevent worse offending.

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Ive read everything I can find about this case. Granted its whats been published online and not any official documents but all I can say is as the Dad of a child who has suffered a sexual assault on one occasion, seeing what that one assault has done to her mental well being I dare not even imagine  what that poor little girl has gone through for 2 years or what damage those two years have done to her in the long term.

For this "man" to essentially get away with it is disgusting.

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3 minutes ago, K1Machine said:

Ive read everything I can find about this case. ..........or what damage those two years have done to her in the long term.


Clearly you haven't looked hard enough or you would have seen the psychologists reports which stated that the victim appeared to have suffered no injury or long lasting effects.


I'm sorry but I would rather these decisions were made by qualified professionals in possession of all the facts, than shouty people on facebook any day of the week!


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For all those frothing at the mouth maybe have a read of something without media bais and glossy side adverts..




I will pick out a few key words


"...she would sit on his knee..."


"... very young and immature ..."


".... complainer’s parents agreed not to contact the police at that time understanding that the accused was to obtain professional help ..."


".... inappropriate curiosity of an emotionally naive teenager rather than for the purpose of sexual gratification ..."


".... no attempt to escalate the nature of the offending ...."


"... complainer’s family held no ill will against the accused’s family. They indicated in their evidence that they were not seeking any form of retribution...."


As some else has pointed out several pages  ago there are far far more to this than is being said in the papers.   The trial was three days.   That's three days of evidence, submissions, arguments, cross examination and deliberating to make an INFORMED JUDGMENT.


That's what has happened and that's what Justice is supposed to be about.


If they victim's family really are so distraught and angry as the press are making out then there are judicial processes available to them for that very purpose.  


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9 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Clearly you haven't looked hard enough or you would have seen the psychologists reports which stated that the victim appeared to have suffered no injury or long lasting effects.


I'm sorry but I would rather these decisions were made by qualified professionals in possession of all the facts, than shouty people on facebook any day of the week!


So, presumably on those grounds, you believe rapists who use Rohypnol should also be set free?


Then, can you explain why we have a Sentence Review process and an Appeals process if, as you claim, the criminal justice system always gets it right?

And also, why are you so adamantly defensive of this criminal?????

Edited by woodview
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2 hours ago, scrapper said:

should have been prosecuted,he clearly is a paedo ,no normal person wouldnt dream of doing what he did,he should be in jail in my eyes.

He was prosecuted...

2 hours ago, woodview said:

So, presumably on those grounds, you believe rapists who use Rohypnol should also be set free?


Typically you're claiming things of people that haven't been said and aren't even slightly inferred.

2 hours ago, woodview said:

Then, can you explain why we have a Sentence Review process and an Appeals process if, as you claim, the criminal justice system always gets it right?

And also, why are you so adamantly defensive of this criminal?????

A defence of the process isn't the same as a defence of a specific criminal.

What's being discussed here isn't the criminal act, it's the system which has resulted in the Sheriff giving the criminal an absolute discharge.  Nobody even disagrees that the verdict of guilty is wrong (except the people who couldn't be bothered to find out what 'absolute discharge' meant).  The only thing under discussion is the sentence and that's about the system that sets the sentence and the Sheriff, it isn't about the convicted person.

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