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Shamima Begum

Message added by nikki-red

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24 minutes ago, bendix said:

Largely because it makes no sense whatsoever. 


Hand her over to who, and let her be tried for what crimes exactly? Nobody has yet articulated what crimes have been broken, except for travelling under someone else's passport?  If it's a crime to espouse hate-filled rhetoric, half of Sheffield Forum would be in the monkey house right now.


As for Sharia Law, I suspect you have no idea what it means, except for the soundbites learned from the Daily Mail.

Well only the other day, there was one of the main representatives of the Quilliam Foundation, (fellow Muslim),  on tv analysing the comments of Begum & stating that she was twisting the interpretation of the Quantity for her own benefit. 


I'm sure fellow Muslims could find something to pin on her?  You decide to live by the sword.....! 


I'll let the Daily Mail comment go & treat it with the contempt it deserves.  It's a shame because you were doing well up to that point. 


I'm not getting into a personal slanging match as it might be the agend of some to get the post closed? . We need the free & open debate to continue. 

Edited by Baron99
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7 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

Well only the other day, there was one of the main representatives of the Quilliam Foundation, (fellow Muslim),  on tv analysing the comments of Begum & stating that she was twisting the interpretation of the Quantity for her own benefit. 

I know we live in a post-Brexit, fake news, soundbite world but I'm pretty sure that some bloke analysing her interviews on TV is about as useful as a bunch of people on an internet forum deciding what she does or doesn't mean.


It will take many months of interviews by psychologists trained in the very specific area of radicalisation and brainwashing to have any idea of what she is actually thinking. If for no other reason,  she should be allowed to return to gain valuable information on how a seemingly rational and well educated young person could be persuaded to do what she did.


The hang 'em & flog 'em brigade bang on about the cost of allowing her back here, but it is far cheaper to prevent people being radicalised in the first place than to spend a fortune on tracking and surveillance operations once they have been.

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6 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I know we live in a post-Brexit, fake news, soundbite world but I'm pretty sure that some bloke analysing her interviews on TV is about as useful as a bunch of people on an internet forum deciding what she does or doesn't mean.


It will take many months of interviews by psychologists trained in the very specific area of radicalisation and brainwashing to have any idea of what she is actually thinking. If for no other reason,  she should be allowed to return to gain valuable information on how a seemingly rational and well educated young person could be persuaded to do what she did.


The hang 'em & flog 'em brigade bang on about the cost of allowing her back here, but it is far cheaper to prevent people being radicalised in the first place than to spend a fortune on tracking and surveillance operations once they have been.

So you don't know what the Quilliam Foundation is then.  Some bloke - Maajid Usman Nawaz. 





Edited by Baron99
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42 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

Well only the other day, there was one of the main representatives of the Quilliam Foundation, (fellow Muslim),  on tv analysing the comments of Begum & stating that she was twisting the interpretation of the Quantity for her own benefit. 


I'm sure fellow Muslims could find something to pin on her?  You decide to live by the sword.....! 



Quilliam is an organisation obsessed by and focusing only on islamic extremism.  They are regular rent-a-quotes for this sort of thing.  This is the organsiation wee Tommy Robinson quit the EDL to work with, so let's not put too much weight on their views.



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  • Vaati locked this topic
  • 2 weeks later...

I know there's been a lengthy thread about this girl.

But now it's being reported her baby boy has died.

Should the UK government have took a different stance on this issue as the baby was a British citizen?

 I know she seems to put a brave face on in the interviews, but after losing three babies at such a young age she must be an emotional wreck. Especially as she has no family around her.

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Are we meant to be sympathetic?

Does anyone actually think she had sympathy for the people that her friends blew up in Manchester? Oh wait, no she didn't, because she admitted that in an interview.


She wanted to travel to Syria, she made the effort to enter that country illegally and in the process got her passport taken off her.

As far as I'm concerned, she made her way there, she can either make her own way back (good luck with that!), or she can stay there and rot.

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Stylefree - unfortunately this thread will probably become a witch hunt in the same way as the previous one did. Some people seem to hold Ms Begum responsible for all the atrocities that ISIS have committed. 


I totally agree with you about those interviews. When I read the news about the death of the baby I was sad and sickened. It was inevitable but could have been prevented.  If they can get journalists and aid workers in and out of a war zone they could have got the baby and it's mother out.  During those interviews it was obvious that the girl was unwell. From the small glimpses that we had of baby Jarrah it looked as if he was of small birth weight. He didn't stand a chance in those conditions.


Apparently hundreds of children are dying in those camps and apart from a few governments who are making efforts to repatriate them the UK does nothing except pontificate about one child who made a big mistake.  Nobody with any sense supports ISIS but that is no reason to stand by and see innocent children suffer for the sins of their parents. 

RIP little baby. 

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Sure I can remember her saying she didn't want her baby to be brought to the UK.

Im afraid she has brought the death of this baby (and the two others) on by herself by living with a medieval death cult in the deserts of the uncivilised Middle East.

We must always remember, she chose her lifestyle / location.

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