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Shamima Begum

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3 minutes ago, Halibut said:

If you consider the possibility that she was a naive schoolgirl led astray by those with bad intent you might view her plight differently. But knowing you, probably not.

Well you, don't know me.

Ahh, just your average young girl, what are they like ehh? Of to the middle east to a warzone, having 3 kids, fighting for a caliphate and helping hubby after he's had a hard day beheading other muslims. Kids, eh??

Can you list the public services you'd earmark to have their funding dropped, to fund the enormous legal bill, security services monitoring bill and benefits for the rest of her life???? Not to mention the all the other security implications when she gets back.

Common sense gone missing.

2 minutes ago, Halibut said:

I'm not naive enough to believe that you can judge a persons intent and innermost thoughts by the way the media presents them. You clearly are.


But naive enough to think it's the actions of a regular kid, who won't be a risk if they get back.

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1 minute ago, woodview said:


Can you list the public services you'd earmark to have their funding dropped, to fund the enormous legal bill, security services monitoring bill and benefits for the rest of her life???? Not to mention the all the other security implications when she gets back.


You're clearly grossly overestimating the degree of cost incurred - and why the assumption that she'd be on benefits the rest of her life?

For all those of you who are determined to see her as evil, here's a different perspective. All I'd ask is that you actually read it before deciding it's a load of rubbish - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/feb/14/shamima-begum-grooming-islamic-state-pregnant-uk

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No one made her go and live in this murderous groups so called Caliphate. She shows no remorse in fact the complete opposite. I don't believe she was some naive little girl. Before she left hours of ISIS propaganda were watched by her. There is no place for her and kind in civilised society. She chose to live in hell let her live in it.

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29 minutes ago, Halibut said:

You're clearly grossly overestimating the degree of cost incurred - and why the assumption that she'd be on benefits the rest of her life?

For all those of you who are determined to see her as evil, here's a different perspective. All I'd ask is that you actually read it before deciding it's a load of rubbish - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/feb/14/shamima-begum-grooming-islamic-state-pregnant-uk

oh its in the Guardian it must be correct then? no slanting of the story? you are the one that is wrong if she comes back here , she and all of her family will be under police protection and will be on welfare for the rest of their sorry lives. not over estimating but it would run into millions.

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3 minutes ago, neworderishere said:

oh its in the Guardian it must be correct then? no slanting of the story? you are the one that is wrong if she comes back here , she and all of her family will be under police protection and will be on welfare for the rest of their sorry lives. not over estimating but it would run into millions.


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1 minute ago, Halibut said:


you need to ask why? there a very many people who would like to see her come to some harm and that will go by association to her family  as well simply because she is what she is and has fled back from ISIS, the police and government will have a duty to protect her , nobody would employ her........or would you like her given a new identity???

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10 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

No one made her go and live in this murderous groups so called Caliphate. She shows no remorse in fact the complete opposite. I don't believe she was some naive little girl. Before she left hours of ISIS propaganda were watched by her. There is no place for her and kind in civilised society. She chose to live in hell let her live in it.

There was an awful lot of SS soldiers who went on to lead perfectly normal lives post 1945, who has quite happily signed up  before that. Would you have killed all them?


I'm not defending this girl, she sounds a horrible piece of work, and from a legal standpoint we are probably stuck with her. I wouldn't try and bring her back here either - we aren't obligated to do so and nor should we. But stick her head in a noose the second she arrives at Heathrow? I'm not sure. All sounds a bit ISIS to me.

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53 minutes ago, Shunter said:

Assuming that she was naive and led astray, does her current outlook make you think she's ashamed of what she did? Her persona in the media says otherwise.

Others that have been led astray and returned are now helping others that have strayed, this girl may well do the same.

Better a person that has gone through that ordeal than people without experience.

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