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BBC Producer Says Footage from 2018 "Chemical Attack" In Syria, Was Staged

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BBC producer in Syria revealed today that after a six month investigation he has no doubt that the footage used in the 2018 "chemical attack" in Douma, Syria, was staged.


Read the full article, here: 



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6 hours ago, altus said:

You've deliberately selectively quoted to create a misleading impression. He doesn't claim the attack was staged. Try reading what he actually said.

I didn't deliberately select a quote to mislead. See my reply in post No.13.









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2 hours ago, Magilla said:

Zerohedge.com - Propagator of conspiracy theories and misinformation. Sympathetic to the Russian government :roll:



Well, in regard to NewsGuardTech, you may want to read this:




Although I don't need someone to be the arbiter what news sites I should trust or not. What's to safeguard that the people behind NewsGuardTech also don't have their own agenda or bias?  (I'll judge for myself each news story, on it's own merits, thanks)


But that aside . .


Posting a link to a site that 'guards' people from fake news, which happens to find some problem with the Zerohedge website, doesn't 'debunk' this specific story.  If you find there's some particular fault with it, then by all means do that, citing something specific from the article.



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2 hours ago, alchresearch said:

If a BBC employee is claiming this, then why is the BBC not plastering it all over their news sources and claiming some sort of exclusivity? 


Just to clarify, Riam Dalati's twitter page, which he has since made private, can be found here on the way back machine:




As you can see, he does state that he is a 'BBC Syria Producer' 


As to why the BBC aren't "plastering it all over their news sources and claiming some sort of exclusivity? 


It could be because back in April of last year, when this attack happened, the UK Government described Russia's and Syria's claims that the chemical attack scenes were staged, as a 'Stunt" (even though now Riam Dalati's claims seem to back-up what Russia & Syria were saying all along), the BBC, along with other mainstream media outlets (see the ITV video below for instance), fell in line with the government view on this. So why would they now be eager to 'break a story' that goes against their original position? If anything, they'd want to keep quiet, and let it pass unnoticed.








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It is interesting to note how many people SWEAR BY the mainstream media proving they trust unconditionally and thus are apt to dismiss ANYTHING that veers from what the official mouthpiece from  THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH states.    


It proves how easy it is to brainwash, or condition people, without them realising it is happening, which is a trait shared with zealots and of course fanatical groups who follow the official line come what may.   It proves that such fixed conservative mindsets are generally impossible to change, as it would undermine personal confidence.


Critical thinking is thus for many to be outside of their comfort zone, and will often make PERSONALISED short curt even abusive remarks dismissing the idea out of hand, proving that EMPTY VELLLES MAKE THE MOST NOISE. 


They are not interested in information or verifiable evidence, as personal opinion TRUMPS IT ALL!


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