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BBC Producer Says Footage from 2018 "Chemical Attack" In Syria, Was Staged

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1 hour ago, the_bloke said:

Is Sheffield Forum listed on some crackpot website as a place for people to join up to to spread this sort of 'news'?

I joined this forum yesterday, because I used to live in Sheffield years ago, and had an enquiry that I thought might be answered in another thread. I then saw an interesting thread about what's taking place in Venezuela that I contributed to. Today I saw this news, and finding it interesting, I thought I'd share it here.  I didn't see Sheffield Forum listed on some "crackpot site' 



1 hour ago, justinelle said:

It is interesting to note how many people SWEAR BY the mainstream media proving they trust unconditionally and thus are apt to dismiss ANYTHING that veers from what the official mouthpiece from  THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH states.    




It proves how easy it is to brainwash, or condition people, without them realising it is happening, which is a trait shared with zealots and of course fanatical groups who follow the official line come what may.   It proves that such fixed conservative mindsets are generally impossible to change, as it would undermine personal confidence.




Critical thinking is thus for many to be outside of their comfort zone, and will often make PERSONALISED short curt even abusive remarks dismissing the idea out of hand, proving that EMPTY VELLLES MAKE THE MOST NOISE. 


They are not interested in information or verifiable evidence, as personal opinion TRUMPS IT ALL!




Very true. Did you ever watch Robert Stuart's analysis of the BBC Panorama programme from 2013, called "Saving Syria's Children' ?  

Edited by FormerSheff
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3 hours ago, FormerSheff said:

Well, in regard to NewsGuardTech, you may want to read this:



The irony, given the below.



Although I don't need someone to be the arbiter what news sites I should trust or not. What's to safeguard that the people behind NewsGuardTech also don't have their own agenda or bias?  (I'll judge for myself each news story, on it's own merits, thanks)

Because you didn't attempt to even try to debunk anything newsguard said, instead resorting to the same whataboutery that you just condemned :hihi:


As it happens, I did a fairly decent search re: zerohedge, newsguards assessment. doesn't seem unreasonable.


The founder describes it's political stance as "Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry= dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft":?



Posting a link to a site that 'guards' people from fake news, which happens to find some problem with the Zerohedge website, doesn't 'debunk' this specific story.  If you find there's some particular fault with it, then by all means do that, citing something specific from the article.

Well, for a start, the title "BBC Producer Says 2018 "Chemical Attack" In Syria, was staged" isn't remotely true. He specifically states that the attack DID happen, but that the hospital scene was staged, so you're already muddying the waters and conflating one thing with another.


I'm not making any judgement about the story other than, given zerohedge's reputation and your miss-characterisation of it in the title, it's possibly not as they/you claim.


If it is true, the "so called" evidence in this proof will appear at some point and it'll get picked up by someone with an actual reputation to lose if they're wrong.


Then I'll give it some credence.


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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

The irony, given the below.


Because you didn't attempt to even try to debunk anything newsguard said, instead resorting to the same whataboutery that you just condemned :hihi:


As it happens, I did a fairly decent search re: zerohedge, newsguards assessment. doesn't seem unreasonable.


The founder describes it's political stance as "Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry= dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft":?


Well, for a start, the title "BBC Producer Says 2018 "Chemical Attack" In Syria, was staged" isn't remotely true. He specifically states that the attack DID happen, but that the hospital scene was staged, so you're already muddying the waters and conflating one thing with another.


I'm not making any judgement about the story other than, given zerohedge's reputation and your miss-characterisation of it in the title, it's possibly not as they/you claim.


If it is true, the "so called" evidence in this proof will appear at some point and it'll get picked up by someone with an actual reputation to lose if they're wrong.


Then I'll give it some credence.


I think if you read the entire article, its very clear what the meaning is  -  Yes, an attack of some kind happened, but the "Chemical Attack" aspect (i.e the images of children having chemicals hosed off them)  according to this BBC producer, was staged. 


It wasn't my intention to miss-characterise anything, I just posted a few lines from the article when I started the thread.  If something was incorrect or  unclear, it wasn't intentional. It's my first post here, so I may not have done it so well, but I wasn't doing anything to deliberately "muddy the waters" .


Edit - I just reworded the thread title, and my opening post, hopefully now it's more consistent and clear. 






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Usual anti western conspiracy theory rubbish, its always funny how everything on "mainstream media" is bad, lies and propaganda, yet everything on 1 or 2 conspiracy sites...or youtube (conspiracy theory accounts) is held up as the absolute truth :rolleyes:



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3 hours ago, melthebell said:

Usual anti western conspiracy theory rubbish, its always funny how everything on "mainstream media" is bad, lies and propaganda, yet everything on 1 or 2 conspiracy sites...or youtube (conspiracy theory accounts) is held up as the absolute truth :rolleyes:



I never said anything like that, and I don't think that way. What you just said is a cliched generalisation, I've heard it so many times, and in saying it, it makes you sound as irrational as the "conspiracy theorists" you aim to discredit. The article just reproduces the tweets made by a BBC Syrian journalist. If you can point out any defect in the article, do that.




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30 minutes ago, FormerSheff said:

I never said anything like that, nor do I think that way. What you just said is a cliched generalisation, which I've heard so many times before, and in saying it, it makes you sound just as irrational as the "conspiracy theorists" you're aiming to discredit. The article simply reproduces the tweets made my a BBC Syrian journalist. If you can point out any defect there, then do so, but making such generalisations is no argument at all. 

i dont have an arguement, i have a personal opinion on <removed> conspiracy theories and those that propagate them citing them as truth and everything else is lies

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27 minutes ago, melthebell said:

i dont have an arguement, i have a personal opinion on <removed> conspiracy theories and those that propagate them citing them as truth and everything else is lies

I shared the article, people can look at it if they want, and give their assessment, hopefully saying something with reference to the actual article. At no point did I say "everything else is lies" , as I don't  think in that way, and I haven't seen anyone else say that in this thread either. It's amazing how some people get so aggressive, as soon as something a little controversial is put before them.  It's not as if propaganda, either information completely fabricated, or just distorted, is such an 'out there' concept, it's a well known fact that it's used.

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48 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Usual anti western conspiracy theory rubbish, its always funny how everything on "mainstream media" is bad, lies and propaganda, yet everything on 1 or 2 conspiracy sites...or youtube (conspiracy theory accounts) is held up as the absolute truth :rolleyes:



And besides, the origin of this story isn't You Tube or a "conspiracy theory site",  it's the tweets of a guy who says he's a BBC producer, and the BBC is mainstream media.

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2 minutes ago, FormerSheff said:

And besides, the origin of this story isn't You Tube or a "conspiracy theory site",  it's the tweets of a guy who says he's a BBC producer, and the BBC is mainstream media.

or so a "conspiracy site" says :rolleyes: 


do we actually know who he is? does he actually exist? does what he say ring true?


or is it just a figment of somebodys imagination who has a "thing" about western governments?


if its only on one media outlet, and / or copied to a couple more of the same ilk how do we know its not fake news? the site in question has already been outed as a conspiracy site but you twisted and turned and poo pood it

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