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16 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:


There is no danger of that!


I shall ask you again, who claimed that all eleven left over Brexit alone?

Still Trolling I see. Be advised and read post 40. You yourself said Brexit alone. I repeat for your benefit. ""They have all left their respective parties because of their handling of Brexit."  Which is a patently wrong statement. Please do not reply as I have a life to live and having to re-answer your silly Trolling is just not worth the effort. Thank You in advance.



Edited by ANGELFIRE1
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1 minute ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

You yourself said Brexit alone. I repeat for your benefit. ""They have all left their respective parties because of their handling of Brexit."  

You are funny!


When you claim that someone has said something and they ask you for evidence you have to quote them saying it, not saying something else and then calling them a troll!


Is it just me or are all the Brexit supporters on this thread getting more cranky as we get closer to Brexit being cancelled or postponed?

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38 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

You are funny!


When you claim that someone has said something and they ask you for evidence you have to quote them saying it, not saying something else and then calling them a troll!


Is it just me or are all the Brexit supporters on this thread getting more cranky as we get closer to Brexit being cancelled or postponed?

Who were you referring to when you said THEY HAVE ALL LEFT THEIR RESPECTIVE PARTIES BECAUSE OF THEIR HANDLING OF BREXIT?  Was it the eleven Independent Members or just a few of them, or none?

I’m a bit baffled on this one.

Edited by hauxwell
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7 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

Who were you referring to when you said THEY HAVE ALL LEFT THEIR RESPECTIVE PARTIES BECAUSE OF THEIR HANDLING OF BREXIT?  Was it the eleven Independent Members are just a few of them, are none?

I’m a bit baffled on this one.

and did they leave because of brexit ALONE or was there other factors involved in them leaving?

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30 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

Who were you referring to when you said THEY HAVE ALL LEFT THEIR RESPECTIVE PARTIES BECAUSE OF THEIR HANDLING OF BREXIT?  Was it the eleven Independent Members are just a few of them, are none?

I’m a bit baffled on this one.

All of them left because of Brexit.


All are vocal remainers, all support a People’s Vote and all are critical of how their party leaders are handling Brexit.


Does that make things clearer?

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So how many of these fine people supported austerity,  how much they grab from the expenses pot on top of thier rather generous saleries.  They are the self important  not teachers, police, scientists, manufacturers, creators, innovators, doctors, just educated freebooters who suddenly  realised they ahve principles.   The main principle is always self interest of course, but beware as they can talk the hind legs off a horse.   


We discuss thing on this forum but we do it for free, not for £250,000 + in expenses, plus  overpaid wages that rise while others stagnate or devalue.    The rats previously dressed up as the sheep they are, always leave what they think is a sinking ship, in the hope to suvive, its just that simple, to be seen as heroes in the I told you so, blasted loud and clear thorough hyjacking the  media propaganda machine.   


We need people who can do things, are practical, not over bloated windbags who have done nothing will do nothing, adn pretend to know things they need equally self interested advisors to provide the selective evidence they require for self promotion.




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19 hours ago, hauxwell said:

Who were you referring to when you said THEY HAVE ALL LEFT THEIR RESPECTIVE PARTIES BECAUSE OF THEIR HANDLING OF BREXIT?  Was it the eleven Independent Members or just a few of them, or none?

I’m a bit baffled on this one.

All eleven of them left because of their respective parties' handling of Brexit.


It is worth pointing out that Ian Austen who resigned from Labour this morning, is NOT joining the Independent Group and he is a Brexit supporter.

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