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World Cup! Come On France!!! But Where are the Frenchies in Sheffield???

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Chers Compatriotes!


We are a few number of expatried french in Sheffield and looking for some supporters for France. Is there any pub, place... s'il vous plait! Where french supporters, or even people from others nationalities supporting France, are used to meet up?



hop hear u soon and "Allez les Bleus"!



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hi all!


thx for your e-mail bookie, yes everybody will be in bar one tomorrow night yoohoo! let's all have a bit of blue white red so we can find each other and gather in front of the same screen :D

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les french sans carte d'etudiant vous inquietez pas on peut faire rentrer deux personnes chacun avec nos cartes!

alors si vousvenez essayer de nous "accoster" a l'entree ( meme si on parle anglais , l'accent francais is a give away"


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Yes! We all decided to meet up Bar1 17h00 as well, certain d'entre-nous qui sont en stage actuellement auront un petit peu de retard! Le french retard quoi! mais "definitly!!!"arrivont! N'oubliez pas les couleurs! Faites du bruit! la France en UK est la!

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