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Is Comic Relief racist?

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On 28/02/2019 at 23:10, despritdan said:

Maybe it's time for all the racist white saviours to stop donating their time and money to Africa and let the black saviours step into the breach; let's see how that goes. That would include all the legal aid we send them, most of which is paid for by white taxpayers.

It's time the white saviours stopped constructing heroic versions of themselves for public consumption by distorting the image of Africa into a colonial era past that can only be saved through the selfless efforts of white missionary's.



Edited by Car Boot
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On 01/03/2019 at 16:06, sheffbag said:

The irony is that Lammy is criticising Dooley for going out there to raise awareness and funds yet has declined to reply to an offer from the BBC and Comic Relief to go out there himself to support them. The guy is a wassock as Capstick would say

Do you think that Stacey Dooley on vacation in Uganda posing in £265 designer boots outside a basic operating theatre. is more about raising awareness of herself than helping the poor of that country?

Edited by Car Boot
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So if it's now unacceptable for rich white people to raise awareness and take part on fund raising for African countries because they are 


a) rich

b) white


Does that mean people can only work for charities when they the same skin colour and financial state as the people the charity targets to help?

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3 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Do you think that Stacey Dooley on vacation in Uganda posing in £265 designer boots outside a basic operating theatre. is more about raising awareness of herself than helping the poor of that country?

Probably yes. But who cares.


Self gratification is prime reason why any of us get involved with charity stuff.   It makes us feel superior.  It makes us look important.  It brags to others that we care and they don't.   


It's the very reason why anyone who is doing something sponsored or is taking part in some challenge brags about it all over Facebook and other social media.


It's exactly why companies spend millions of pounds a year on corporate social responsibility programmes so they can have their name splashed about the newspapers and sponsorship banners.


The fact that Ms Dooley happens to be wearing designer boots is totally irrelevant.


Her going out there will raise for more public awareness and bring more attention to the cause than some Joe Bloggs.  THAT IS THE KEY ISSUE.   


Nobody would give  toss about John Smith doing his campaign work for Africa except people who are related to John Smith. However get some well-known personality to do it and not only is there mass interest from the public there is also mass interest from the media. 


This is not a new trick.  The royals have been doing it for decades, everybody's favourite Princess Diana was doing it, and the beautiful People and Hollywood starlets have been doing it since year dot.   


It's a simple fact about getting the highest profile you can.  It's all about raising awareness. 


Lammy and the lefties like yourself can try and apply a load of racial connotation and inverse snobbery all you want but its plainly obvious to anyone with the brain that Africa is still an absolute heap that is far from being sorted out.   It still needs help and there's absolutely nothing wrong with getting our attention by use of a famous face. 


Lammy may well have had some important message but his target aim was soooo off it's been completely and utterly lost.   What he has done instead is put attention on himself and come across to the masses as a completely misguided reactionary bigot. 

Edited by ECCOnoob
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21 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Probably yes. But who cares.


Self gratification is prime reason why any of us get involved with charity stuff.   It makes us feel superior.  It makes us look important.  It brags to others that we care and they don't.   


It's the very reason why anyone who is doing something sponsored or is taking part in some challenge brags about it all over Facebook and other social media.


It's exactly why companies spend millions of pounds a year on corporate social responsibility programmes so they can have their name splashed about the newspapers and sponsorship banners.


The fact that Ms Dooley happens to be wearing designer boots is totally irrelevant.


Her going out there will raise for more public awareness and bring more attention to the cause than some Joe Bloggs.  THAT IS THE KEY ISSUE.   


Nobody would give  toss about John Smith doing his campaign work for Africa except people who are related to John Smith. However get some well-known personality to do it and not only is there mass interest from the public there is also mass interest from the media. 


This is not a new trick.  The royals have been doing it for decades, everybody's favourite Princess Diana was doing it, and the beautiful People and Hollywood starlets have been doing it since year dot.   


It's a simple fact about getting the highest profile you can.  It's all about raising awareness. 


Lammy and the lefties like yourself can try and apply a load of racial connotation and inverse snobbery all you want but its plainly obvious to anyone with the brain that Africa is still an absolute heap that is far from being sorted out.   It still needs help and there's absolutely nothing wrong with getting our attention by use of a famous face. 


Lammy may well have had some important message but his target aim was soooo off it's been completely and utterly lost.   What he has done instead is put attention on himself and come across to the masses as a completely misguided reactionary bigot. 

I was gonna reply to me but didn't know where to start lol


Well said


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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

I was gonna reply to me but didn't know where to start lol


Well said


Thing is, these multi-millionaire celeb's have been donating their previous "time" for years pestering Joe public to make a "donataion", which is a bit rich considering they're  the one's whose generosity would actually make a "difference".

They'd have no vested interest in going out there if their good deed wasn't being filmed.  At best, It's shameless self promotion.


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Did the wealthy Stacey Dooley give her time freely

2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Probably yes. But who cares.


Self gratification is prime reason why any of us get involved with charity stuff.   It makes us feel superior.  It makes us look important.  It brags to others that we care and they don't.   


It's the very reason why anyone who is doing something sponsored or is taking part in some challenge brags about it all over Facebook and other social media.


It's exactly why companies spend millions of pounds a year on corporate social responsibility programmes so they can have their name splashed about the newspapers and sponsorship banners.


The fact that Ms Dooley happens to be wearing designer boots is totally irrelevant.


Her going out there will raise for more public awareness and bring more attention to the cause than some Joe Bloggs.  THAT IS THE KEY ISSUE.   


Nobody would give  toss about John Smith doing his campaign work for Africa except people who are related to John Smith. However get some well-known personality to do it and not only is there mass interest from the public there is also mass interest from the media. 


This is not a new trick.  The royals have been doing it for decades, everybody's favourite Princess Diana was doing it, and the beautiful People and Hollywood starlets have been doing it since year dot.   


It's a simple fact about getting the highest profile you can.  It's all about raising awareness. 


Lammy and the lefties like yourself can try and apply a load of racial connotation and inverse snobbery all you want but its plainly obvious to anyone with the brain that Africa is still an absolute heap that is far from being sorted out.   It still needs help and there's absolutely nothing wrong with getting our attention by use of a famous face. 


Lammy may well have had some important message but his target aim was soooo off it's been completely and utterly lost.   What he has done instead is put attention on himself and come across to the masses as a completely misguided reactionary bigot. 

Africa is "still an absolute heap that is far from being sorted out"?


Oh dear.


An entire continent and it's multitudes of diverse people condemned and written off in such a careless manner.


54 countries.


1.2 billion people.


Black and white.


And they all need "sorting out".


Good job we have wealthy people like Stacey Dooley with a white saviour complex to sort Africa out.

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25 minutes ago, danot said:

Thing is, these multi-millionaire celeb's have been donating their previous "time" for years pestering Joe public to make a "donataion", which is a bit rich considering they're  the one's whose generosity would actually make a "difference".

They'd have no vested interest in going out there if their good deed wasn't being filmed.  At best, It's shameless self promotion.


Comic Relief refuses to tell us if the celebrity Stacey Dooley gave her time for free, or if she was paid?

Did she receive travel expenses paid for out of Comic Relief donations? 

Medical insurance, vaccinations paid for by Comic Relief donations?

Did Comic Relief donations pay for her flights, hotel bills, food and drink?

Why does Comic Relief believe that poverty porn is acceptable in 2019?

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21 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

Comic Relief refuses to tell us if the celebrity Stacey Dooley gave her time for free, or if she was paid?

Did she receive travel expenses paid for out of Comic Relief donations? 

Medical insurance, vaccinations paid for by Comic Relief donations?

Did Comic Relief donations pay for her flights, hotel bills, food and drink?

Why does Comic Relief believe that poverty porn is acceptable in 2019?

What are your thoughts on the adverts asking for money from the likes of water aid, oxfam, save the children etc? There’s one running right now. 


Some of those are celebrity backed.

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