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Is Comic Relief racist?

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"Spice Girls T-shirts sold to raise money for Comic Relief’s “gender justice” campaign were made at a factory in Bangladesh where women earn the equivalent of 35p an hour during shifts in which they claim to be verbally abused and harassed, a Guardian investigation has found."




What a shock.


Comic Relief exploiting female workers while supporting equality for women. Why does anybody still give this appalling white saviour charity money to run its wealthy celebrity campaigns?



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2 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

What are your thoughts on the adverts asking for money from the likes of water aid, oxfam, save the children etc? There’s one running right now. 


Some of those are celebrity backed.

I think the whole celebrity white saviour PR exercise robs poor Africans of their dignity. 


Time to drop this lazy 1980's excuse for celebrities to get a free holiday (and public exposure which sells).

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53 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

Did the wealthy Stacey Dooley give her time freely

Africa is "still an absolute heap that is far from being sorted out"?


Oh dear.


An entire continent and it's multitudes of diverse people condemned and written off in such a careless manner.


54 countries.


1.2 billion people.


Black and white.


And they all need "sorting out".


Good job we have wealthy people like Stacey Dooley with a white saviour complex to sort Africa out.

Yes it is.


How many of the 54 countries have a majority of the population living below the poverty line?

How many of the 54 countries have major overpopulation issues?

How many of the 54 countries have malnutrition, food emergencies and famine?

How many of the 54 countries have disease epedemics?

How many of the 54 countries have  a lack of basic healthcare and sanitation?

How many of the 54 countries are part of ongoing conflicts through civil war and/or terrorism activity?

How many of the 54 countries have  corrupt and/or oppressive government regimes still in force?

How many of the 54 countries still maintain a lack of basic human rights and equality for women and LGBT persons?

How many of the 54 countries are still at the bottom of the league tables for education, employment and life expectancy?


Just because some parts are improving does not mean we ignore the big part in the middle.   That's what organisations like Comic Relief and 1001 other charities are trying to provide help with.


Would you not agree that's a cause that should be raised?    If so, what the hell is wrong with using a high profile person to draw our attention to it?

16 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

I think the whole celebrity white saviour PR exercise robs poor Africans of their dignity. 


Time to drop this lazy 1980's excuse for celebrities to get a free holiday (and public exposure which sells).

Starving to death or being treated in an ill equiped and under resourced dirty hospital facility robs people of their dignity. 


What you laughingly think is "free holiday" for a celebrity filming an appeal is distrubed. 


Maybe if you looked over that massive chip on your shoulder every now and then you would see the bigger picture.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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3 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

I think the whole celebrity white saviour PR exercise robs poor Africans of their dignity. 


Time to drop this lazy 1980's excuse for celebrities to get a free holiday (and public exposure which sells).

Excellent, here's a man who has answers. So what should we do? Only give money to charities who don't use celebrities? What about those who don't use celebrities but have a history of aid-for-sexual-favours?


A conundrum!

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34 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

"Spice Girls T-shirts sold to raise money for Comic Relief’s “gender justice” campaign were made at a factory in Bangladesh where women earn the equivalent of 35p an hour during shifts in which they claim to be verbally abused and harassed, a Guardian investigation has found."




What a shock.


Comic Relief exploiting female workers while supporting equality for women. Why does anybody still give this appalling white saviour charity money to run its wealthy celebrity campaigns?



Where exactly are comic relief "exploiting workers"    DO YOU ACTUALLY READ YOUR LINKS.


Let me highlight a key paragraph for you.....


Both said they had checked the ethical sourcing credentials of Represent, the online retailer commissioned by the Spice Girls to make the T-shirts, but it had subsequently changed manufacturer without their knowledge. Represent said it took “full responsibility” and would refund customers on request.


So,  CR and the Spice Girls find a company to manufacture and vet them.    The company then change something without CR knowing and when the scandal comes out the manufacturer accept full responsibility 


The rest of the article is a load of generic waffle about supply chains, cheap foreign manufacturing and ethics of the fast fashion industry overall.


So, I ask again  where is the exploitation at the direct hands of CR???



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46 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Where exactly are comic relief "exploiting workers"    DO YOU ACTUALLY READ YOUR LINKS.


Let me highlight a key paragraph for you.....


Both said they had checked the ethical sourcing credentials of Represent, the online retailer commissioned by the Spice Girls to make the T-shirts, but it had subsequently changed manufacturer without their knowledge. Represent said it took “full responsibility” and would refund customers on request.


So,  CR and the Spice Girls find a company to manufacture and vet them.    The company then change something without CR knowing and when the scandal comes out the manufacturer accept full responsibility 


The rest of the article is a load of generic waffle about supply chains, cheap foreign manufacturing and ethics of the fast fashion industry overall.


So, I ask again  where is the exploitation at the direct hands of CR???



hes a schoolboy socialist, his arguements dont stand up to factual checking and deep scrutiny...hence why hes a brextremist

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1 hour ago, tinfoilhat said:

What are your thoughts on the adverts asking for money from the likes of water aid, oxfam, save the children etc? There’s one running right now. 


Some of those are celebrity backed.

Just giving my two penneth. 


People in my position are caught in the middle, with obscene wealth on one side, and object poverty on the other side. Object poverty and obscene wealth will always coexist, after all, object poverty facilitates obscene wealth, and you can't eradicate object poverty without obscene wealth succumbing to it.  There's only two options- either both extremes continue to coexist, or neither exist. What d'ya do?

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2 hours ago, danot said:

Just giving my two penneth. 


People in my position are caught in the middle, with obscene wealth on one side, and object poverty on the other side. Object poverty and obscene wealth will always coexist, after all, object poverty facilitates obscene wealth, and you can't eradicate object poverty without obscene wealth succumbing to it.  There's only two options- either both extremes continue to coexist, or neither exist. What d'ya do?

You're much closer to extreme wealth than extreme poverty. Out of the 7 billion in the world, you'd be in the top few percent. Not really the in the middle. What can you do? Count yourself lucky and give to charity occasionally (although only if the recipients are of the same race if you listen to the idiot Lammy, otherwise live dangerously and give to those in need without seeing race).

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23 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Do you think that Stacey Dooley on vacation in Uganda posing in £265 designer boots outside a basic operating theatre. is more about raising awareness of herself than helping the poor of that country?

Do you think that Stacey Dooley in her boots helping raise millions of pounds for Comic relief is doing more good than David Lammy who is just trying to get media attention (ergo, raising awareness of himself as you claim Stacey is doign) and is doing jack all to raise money for comic relief despite being invited to participate?


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17 hours ago, Car Boot said:

"Spice Girls T-shirts sold to raise money for Comic Relief’s “gender justice” campaign were made at a factory in Bangladesh where women earn the equivalent of 35p an hour during shifts in which they claim to be verbally abused and harassed, a Guardian investigation has found."




What a shock.


Comic Relief exploiting female workers while supporting equality for women. Why does anybody still give this appalling white saviour charity money to run its wealthy celebrity campaigns?



Stand in front of Lenny Henry and say that. 


So you dont think that any of the one BILLION pounds raised has done any good except help raise the profile of the people who helped raise it? 

Did you feel the same about Band Aid and Live Aid too ? 


Can non Whites donate to Comic Relief? 

Edited by sheffbag
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